Now that I have this nice 2x4 C&C cage, my eyes have been on my piggies waiting for their first lap around their new home. In fact, I even had a baton ready for them to pass to one another and a sign that read FINISH LINE. Since everything I have been reading on this site demanded a larger cage so our piggies can frolick and run around from one end of the cage to the other, I am still waiting for moment. I guess distance running to my piggies doesn't mean how far they can run, leap or popcorn, they are just as happy running around their hidey houses or running around their tube in circles just like they did in their smaller cage. Don't get me wrong I love their new cage and wouldn't have it any other way. WHAT IS EVERYONE ELSES EXPERIENCE AS FAR AS LAP RUNNING IN THEIR CAGE IS CONCERNED?