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is this true?


Cavy Slave
Jul 5, 2005
is it true that pigs are Tickleish?

when petting my new pig cocoa, she jitters alot if u pet her in certen areas, like right under her belly in the back of her front leg, like in a Armpit region, she will like jump and pur, is this cuz shes tickleish ? or does she not like it ?

thanks for your time

Please use good spelling on this forum. And no they are not ticklish, it means they don't like it.
then why does she pur?
It's not a pur, it's a warning sign. A pur is a really low pitch noise that comes from the guinea pig. It's hard to explain what it sounds like.
well the sound she makes is a low sound and my other pig makes it too, when ur petting her, and every other pig i know makes the same sound and its very low pitched its not high at all... and she doesnt try running when he makes the sound she will start rubbing on me somtimes, so are u sure what im talking about isnt a pur, or just all the guinea pigs ive ever seen are very vicious?
no it's not a vicious sign. More like a "don't touch me there sign" and they won't attack or anything. But usualy that noise I think you are talking about isn't a pur.
hmmm i wish i could try to record it on my cam and then show you, ill have to try this one day or if i can find my mic, ill record it
you can search on google for guinea pig sound boards and find out if it means angry or happy.
oh kool! ill try that! thanks!
Your welcome.
i found a sound site but still nothing on the noise mine makes
A purr sounds like a cats purr. Some pigs have a higher pitched purr, some have lower pitched purrs; like people some have higher pitched voices some have lower.

If she is jumping all around then she probably doesn't like it.
well on the petting under her leg she jumps, but on the like just petting, she wil strech out and relax , and has almost fallen asleep, i found a sound board the the sound sounds nothing like the angery sound, the person had 2 versions, and yes si se ehwo u say one sound slike a pur but that not how my pigs is, it was lower and not as mean sounding
I know you say you are challenged but I just can't deal with your posting the way it is. Chat speak is not allowed at all here. Spell out your words and as I said in the other thread, you need to make a better effort. To me if someone can spell "vicious" correct, they sure as heck can post correctly. I am beginning to think you are being more lazy than anything and that will get you banned my dear.
If your piggy jumps, or makes a kicking motion while petting her, then she's annoyed. Mine will sometimes toss their head up if I'm petting them too much. There are several different types of purring. A lot of what it means depends on the pitch. Listen closely to your piggie and after some time, you'll recognize them easily. Rumblestrutting is for dominance or mating. This can happen between males and males, males and females or females and females. Rumblestrutting is a long, low pitched purr that is normally accompanied by butt-dragging, chasing other piggies, and mounting. All of these are signs of dominance and can happen during a mating call or while sows are in heat.
There's a contented "lap time purr". The piggie usually lies down contentedly (I call it melting into a fur puddle). The purrs are short, and sometimes can't be heard-you'll just feel the piggie vibrate or shake on you. The "annoyed" purr can also happen during lap time, I've had it happen if I want to pet one of my girls in the cage and they're lying down. They're basically telling me "not right now, just let me sleep". It's similar to lap time purr, but I find that sometimes it's slightly higher pitched.
Like I said, you'll learn to tell the difference in time. Hope I've helped you out a bit.
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