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Adopting Is this possible?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 29, 2012
I have 3 sows and one. Boar (neutered) in one cage. But I've recently fallen in love with another unneutered boar that needs a home.

Is it ok to keep him in a separate cage alone but in the same room as the rest? I don't want an pregnancies but I don't want him to be lonely either.

Please help.
It certainly is possible to keep him in a separate cage alone, but would you consider getting him a buddy? I imagine it might be lonely if he could hear the others but not be a part of that herd*. Perhaps you could even have him neutered (though I am sure you know this is a delicate procedure), and give him a sow as well? Remember that he has to go through quarantine in a separate room for 3 weeks in the beginning if you do adopt him.

*(Which would not be a good idea even if he was neutered, as he and the other male may fight for the sows)
That's the thing, even if I get him neutered he will fight with Charlie for the sows! But, I really want to give him an awesome life! I can make him a cage that basically just separates him from the rest with chicken mesh???
Well, you could separate him from the others using some kind of ventilated barrier - I am not familiar with chicken mesh being used, so I won't offer advice on that :) - but I think that a herd or buddy of his own would be best. I don't know that Charlie or him would enjoy the smell of another male so close to the sows, and I am not certain if this would cause any undue stress. Perhaps (not sure what kind of cage you are using) you could make a second level for him and a friend? Is there no way to adopt a pair instead of just the one you've fallen in love with? I'll bet with some good searching that you'd be smitten with another as well in no time (and then two piggies get a home)!
See, he has been alone his whole life (1 year old) and I'm afraid he might not take to another pig if I got him his own buddy.
That is definitely a possibility, but even older pigs have been introduced to other successfully. Perhaps you could take him to a couple shelters/rescues with piggies you might be interested in as well to see the outcome? Many actually encourage bringing your guinea pig to see if there are any problems. Good luck!
I'm from South Africa and there's no such thing as a GP rescue here I'm afraid! I want to adopt him from a person who no longer wants him! So the only way I can get him a friend is if I find someone else willing to give up their piggie.
Ah, sorry, just noticed! Well in that instance what I would do is house him separately while you keep your eyes open for anyone else who may be giving up their guinea pigs, as you said. Then if you do find someone, you can see how he gets along with their piggy before you take them home. It may be some time, but you can always keep trying!

And especially if there are no rescues or shelters that take guineas in SA, I would likely adopt the boar that you are in love with if I were in your situation. I don't know what else might happen to him otherwise - does your animal control (if you have them) simply put them down? And if you do adopt him, make sure you post pictures of him. :)
Ill post as soon as I can! We have an SPCA which will only kill them! Unfortunately GP in SA are seen as common vermin.
Aww. Well I would go ahead and adopt him for sure! Looking forward to updates as soon as possible! lol
I would not keep him close to the other cage. He will be relentless in trying to get to them, and could easily become a bar biter. Your current male will be agitated with another male so close and it may cause problems with the relationships he has with his current females.

But it would be sad for him to constantly hear the others and yet live alone. Unless you are willing to get him a companion at some point, I would keep him in another room completely. If your plan is to find him a companion, then go ahead and keep him in the same room, but not next to the other cage.
I would adopt, neuter, and pair with a female.
Ok, it seems then ill have to get him a buddy! Just hope he accepts having to share his cage with another pig. Will let you guys know soon what happens.
I wouldnt worry to much about him not taking to a buddy. I reascued a 2yr old male aho had been alone his whole life and he is now with my two other boars. They do squabble on occation but he hasnt had much trouble adjusting. (all of mine are unaltered)
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