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Is this okay?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 23, 2005
Is it okay to let my piggie, (Mr. Pickles) to run in a large, clear ball a bought from a local petstore? I dont know if there is anything dangerous about them... Just wanted to check in to see if they were okay.
Those balls are not at all safe for piggies. They can be very damaging to their backs and their feet, so please don't put Mr. Pickles in it. He would be much happier just running around on the floor or in a play pen.
Okay! Thank you for the information!
I do also have a playpen for him... But my mom dosent like him going potty on the floor... I tried using puppypads and newspaper, but all my silly piggie does is crawl under them! What would u suggest using? (It cant leak because I have wood floors and it will stain!!!)
Use towels, or fleece, or sheets, or shower curtains. There are alot of cheap thing you can lay down that they can pee and poop on, then when floortime is over just shake the poop off into the trashcan and wash the fabric.
Yeah, the balls are really bad for their spines.

Try layers of newspaper with a couple yards of fleece. You can get it cheap at Walmart.

Also, maybe try giving him floortime in the kitchen or bathroom, where there is no wood floor? I just throw down a queen size bedsheet on top of the tile and after they are done, fold it up and shake it out outside.
But so as not to waste your money you can put the ball on the ground *without the pig in it* and let him push the ball with his nose. Safe fun. I bought a hamster sized one (I don't want these people to get the idea I bought it for my piggie. Besides I don't want a not so bright guest to come over and shove one of my piggies in the ball. Even my baby boar won't fit in it.) and put a jingly kitty ball in it. They play with it loads more then just the kitty toy alone. I think they had a hard time pushing the smaller kitty ball as they may not see it as well when they walk up close to it. They just kind of ran it over.

Kero loves to push his hamster ball. It seems to make floor time really fun for him. He really didn't know what to do during floor time before it.
Can you still return it? That thing can kill them.

Put down an old blanket, cheap tablecloth or shower curtain.
Why return it? It's still usable. Just not for it's intended purpose.
YOu could always use the evil ball as a not so evil hay rack.
Or wrap it in tinfoil and make a neat disco ball :p
Sabriel said:
But so as not to waste your money you can put the ball on the ground *without the pig in it* and let him push the ball with his nose. Safe fun.

What a cute idea! I saw some mouse sized the other day. Maybe I'll try that for Percy; although, he's just like a little kid...prefers the boxes and cardboard tubes to all other toys I get him.
for floor time, so they don't pee on the floor, i put down a square shaped small trash can, and put in newspaper, and they run in it and pee in there usually. i also put down other boxes with newspaper..
I know I am pointing out the obvious but I just wash the floar with a bit of cleaner and a mop when they are done ... works ... cheap ... And as for the disco ball - I love the idea - hahaha. (Looking in my moms closet for a polyester pant suit right now - HAHAHAHA) (Yes I am weird, this I know)
I use a vinyl tablecloth underneath some towels for floortime here. Or w have grass time outside.
If the ball is big enough, maybe you can cut off the lower part and make a snuggly new hidey house for him.
Or if you can get it apart in two peices, you can make two candy dishes.
Wow, you guys have a lot of great ideas lol!!!
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