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Crusty Eyes Is this normal?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 1, 2012
Until I started reading through this website, I thought that having crusty eyes was normal for guinea pigs. Let me clarify a bit.

It's pretty much the stuff that's in your eyes when you wake up in the morning (I call it 'sand in your eyes' but there are other names.) It's just around his eyes. Other than that, he's perfectly fine. He runs around, especially during floor time. He eats his pellets/hay, he wheeks when a bag crinkles, he's energetic, and will readily eat lettuce, carrots, peppers, and other fresh food. He has no sign of lethargy or wheezing, no other signs of illness except crusty eyes. No itching, he grooms normally, his fur is fine, his eyes look healthy, his teeth are perfect, I groom him every day (he's a texel, so he is a fluffy lil thing) and he poops normally, pees normally.

In short, he has no signs of sickness (that I can tell) except crusty eyes. Is this just normal, or could this still be a sign of a medical issue?

Well, it could be either.

In the absence of any other symptoms, it could just be the cleaning fluid crusted around his eyes. Or it could be allergies. What is he bedded on?

If it were me, I'd probably lean toward just watching him carefully for a while. But if he starts sneezing, coughing, having a wet nose, looking puffed up, stops eating/peeing/pooping, or if it gets worse or his eyes have pus in them, then I'd go to the vet very quickly.

You might get some artificial tears and gently clean his eyes in the mornings and see if that helps.
I just took one of our piggy to the vet for crusty eyes. By nature, guinea pigs hide their symptoms when they are sick (the weak are prey in the wild). So I've been told to report any possible physical symptom, even if the piggy is acting fine. We got drops for his eyes and he's back to bright clear eyes. If this is something that has started recently, I'd definitely get it checked out.
No, he's always had this, and he's a year old. He has aspen bedding. It could very well be cleaning fluid, I'm not sure. I will definitely take him to the vet if anything gets worse. As for now, if I notice anything different about his behavior besides crusty eyes, he'll go straight to the vet. It's not something that started recently, so I don't know if some piggies just happen to have crusty eyes while others don't?
The thing with cleaning fluid is that pigs groom it away immediately after it comes out. It's usually when a pig doesn't feel good that he doesn't groom, so the fluid dries and crusts.

Other causes could be dusty bedding or blocked tear ducts.
@Cappuccino Matisse has this too and I'm still trying to get clarification. I took him to the vet last night who did a checkup and said he is just fine. I'm very frustrated but only because I'm his new owner and don't know what his "normal" is yet. I've emailed the rescue but hopefully by following your thread I'll get some answers too (I can't keep taking him to other vets for other opinions, it's adding up)! His is only in the morning as well, by the time I arrive home from work he's cleaned it away.
The thing with cleaning fluid is that pigs groom it away immediately after it comes out. It's usually when a pig doesn't feel good that he doesn't groom, so the fluid dries and crusts.

Other causes could be dusty bedding or blocked tear ducts.

Well, as for the cleaning fluid, I saw him grooming yesterday (and I'm sure he's been doing it today too) so I doubt that is the cause of it. The dusty bedding is a definite possibility; I am considering switching to fleece in the near future (when I build my C&C cage) so if that's it, that should solve the problem. That will be in March. Not sure about the blocked tear ducts.

@kourt1313 Well hopefully it's nothing serious. :) Keep us updated, I personally would like to hear any info.
Since we're on the topic, my Clemintine tends to not wipe away all the cleanining fluid. I only notice the cleaning fluid after she's washed herself.... But it looks a little goopy, if that makes any sense. She acts normal otherwise,although these last couple days she's been acting more territorial towards her friend,Daphne. She's been growling at her when she's close by and been nipping at her fur. Other than that she eats normal and everything....
Sorry they're a little blurry...not the best camera.

[GuineaPigCages.com] Is this normal?[GuineaPigCages.com] Is this normal?
Yeah that doesn't look normal @AMP524... That's kinda what Matisse had too, I ended up taking him to the vet and it was a URI, but only in his sinuses. He went on meds and now no more extra fluid. I'd have it checked out for sure.
I may have to....again...she's acting a little more defensive than she normally would and she's been eating, but seems to not have a ton of energy to stand up. I just noticed this today....thanks!
No problem! Keep us updated!
I asked a few people that work at the rescue about the eye issue. I actually took them to the rescue for a visit an a nail trim (they charge $5 for a nail trim, and even though I can do it myself, a few dollars spent towards the rescue is a worthwhile cause), and they noticed the excess " eye shampoo" as they call it, while Clemintine was cleaning herself. I told them it goes away after awhile, and they told me it isn't anything to worry about. It only happens when she cleans herself, so I'm not going to stress about it. She doesn't have any other problems that I've noticed, and everyone I've talked to have told me the same thing.
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