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Aggression Is this Bullying?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
May 9, 2012
My guinea pig Kero pecks?? Nips?? Eleanor(3 weeks old). I dont see any blood though. should i seperate them?? im a little worried
It's not bullying. It's simply dominant behavior. Do not separate unless blood is drawn.
Ditto CavyMama.

My pigs do this all the time. It's not something to be worried about - it's just normal pig behaviour.
How large is your cage? And are they both females? How old is Kero?
@bpatters- On the OP's profile page it says that Kero is a sow.
@bpatters Kero and Maisie are both 1 year old. My cage is 2 x 8. Eleanor is still new but I re introduce them everyday just to make sure. Maisie seems to get along with Eleanor. Maisie sometimes sniffs Eleanor's "behind" is that normal?? I clean their cage with vinegar to get rid of their scent.
@Roo99, I'm not chasing down information about pigs. It helps a LOT if the OP will post the pertinent information in the thread.

@Gerawrdcim, you're just making matters worse by separating and reintroducing them. They have to establish who's the dominant pig, and they have to start all over again every time you separate them and put them back together. As long as nobody is bleeding or being harassed to the point that they can't eat, put them together and leave them alone. But watch carefully.

When I say clean cage, I mean really clean cage. You take all the bedding out, wipe the cage and the bars, wash everything that's not wood, and take the wood out for a while. You don't want anything in there that smells of any pig.
@bpatters - I realize that you don't have to. I was curious, so I looked it up and decided to post here so you didn't have to look it up as well. Just trying to be helpful.
Eleanor is still new but I re introduce them everyday just to make sure. Maisie seems to get along with Eleanor.

Repeatedly introducing them is about the last thing you want to do. When you do that, it forces them to have to start from scratch with determining dominance and it stresses them out even more. It only adds to the problem.

Introductions should be done ONE time and separation should be done ONLY if there is blood drawn. They sound like they are fine. Just leave them together. Bum sniffing, along with all the other behavior you mentioned is completely normal.
Okay thank you! :) I just add an extra food bowl and water bottle and some new hidey houses and this time I WONT separate them.
If they really get into it and blood is drawn then yes of course, by all means separate but a lot of what looks like fighting, is just scuffling in trying to determine dominance. Which is why we say don't separate unless blood is drawn. Many people will be stressed out just watching the intros. They think they need to separate. It's a lot harder for people to watch than it is for the pigs to be involved in.
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