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Is there anything I'm forgetting? or have I gone overboard?

Your setup sounds great to me.. Aslong as it is totally weather proof and animal proof then it should be ok.

I have guinea pigs living indoors and out. To be honest it makes no difference to them. They both love where they live! I do admit that the piggies outside get less attention but I really don't think they care!
Thanks Piglet, you gave me my laugh of the day!
Don't take advice from Louis, he is a neglectful owner.
Louis said:
I rekon you should do it, personly those people who have said it is bad are wrong are the reason they proberly say that is becuse they heard its bad from other people, but they have never tryed it themselfs. Your guinea pigs will be a lot happyer because they will be about to eat the grass or do anything thing which takes them fancy. By the way dont use too much hey i have tryed that before and its not too good.

Go for it
I found 11 total spelling and grammar mistakes in your message. Please proofread or use spell check.

Don't listen to Louis. He is totally a disrespectful pig owner in opinion. What you said Is pretty good just remember all the dangers...
Piglet said:
Oh shut up Louis. We all give our pigs floor time outside so we have tried it. Go away, I thought you said C&C cages were stupid? Hello, this whole forum is about these cages
Whats a c&c?
sorry, its a cubes&coroplast cage
OMG... If you're joined to this site, you should know what a c&c cage is!
Looks like he has been demoted to Cavy Person. It should be that way.
I am having a very hardtime keeping my cool on a gp board where the majority of the emmbers are anti-free run *censored*. It's a lone front with me and Louis

Your defence seems good , with good health solutions. to shield off put puns on your garden fence . Most cats enter by climbing over the fence and small puns will hurt them just enough to be scared and run away , to never come back. Dogs can't climb at all and will just try to enter trough the gate. Again , put puns there. Most of all don't forget to clean their "cave" (a small indoor enviroment in your garden , where they can sleep. In my garden this is a hole in the ground , protected by stone , like they use to build houses , with a gate to close it and a golfplate on top of it to keep it cool in the summers.) make sure you can take off the golfplate to trap the guineapigs in their cave and catch them when taking em back inside

-Piglet : I can understand your endless trolling off Louis and your anti-free run behavior , after looking at your free run. Some fence won't keep predators out , so you practically have to stay there
CuteFluffyThing, first I advise that you stop calling the vast majority of the board names. Secondly, try looking up the word "troll" and comparing Piglet's behavior to Louis's behavior. You are not the Troll Police on this board--that's the moderators' job. Thirdly, if you have to ally with a semi-literate troll who does many questionable things like taking his guinea pig on a boat, it should probably spur you to do some thinking about the viability of your opinions regarding guinea pig care. Fourthly, of course this board is anti-free-run. Most of the members live in climates that are unsuitable for keeping guinea pigs outside, some don't even have a yard to put them in, and there are large numbers of predators. Also, you should perhaps notice that the address of the site is cavycages.com, not cavyfreeruns.com.
Amen Salana. I am going to add to Salana's warning though and let you know CuteFluffyThing that if your own behavior keeps up, you will find yourself banned. I have read and reviewed many of the threads you have posted lately and some of your posts are so full of garbage and give such false information.
Huh? I didn't even do anything *scratches head* I was all up for this idea (can't remember users name). Like you said, I have a free run and I love it. However, I do understand other people's concerns. I'm in London where there are literally no predators so it's ok for me to leave them outside.
I'm pretty sure there are predator's in every country on the planet.
Of course there are predators everywhere just some places don't have ones that will prey on your guinea pig. The biggest predator that I can think of here in the UK is a fox.. We do get birds of prey but only in the remote countryside.
Yeah, guinea girl there actually aren't any predators. We have no foxes, or birds of prey. The only birds we do have are pigeons.. There are cats, but our fence is too high.
I'm sure there arne't the same in the UK as in other countrie's but to say there's none didn't sound quiet right either.
Fair enough Rach1412, I just hope people in suburbia will be careful because as we people build out to meet the demands of the ever increasing populations, the wild animals get closer and closer to our homes. Foxes are predator's, I had one get into my chooks once and killed a dozen of them just for fun and I lived in suburbia too.
Cat's can also easily hurt your piggie's if they are wild and they can jump unless your fence is 20 foot high or they can climb it.
I'm not having a go,, I'd just hate to see anyones pets hurt/killed because they were in denial over what a predator actually is and what they are capable of.
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