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Is she being too agressive?


Cavy Slave
Jul 14, 2005
Two days ago I introduced my two girl guinea pigs and they seemed to be perfectly fine with each other. I put them in their new c&c cage and for the rest of the night they were the happiest pigs ever. Things have kind of changed though.
One of the girls is constantly messing with the other one. Whenever she walks by the other one she will push her or kind of ram into her. I even heard her growling as she went past. She chases the other pig and they kind of go around in a small circle niping each other.
I don't really see why she is doing this because most of the time they are fine. She just decides to be aggressive towards the other one at random times.

One more thing, what does it mean when they make a noise that sounds like a quail or pigeon?
I think they are both fine as long as there is no blood and both can eat. I'm not sure what the quail/pigion/dove noise is all about but my girls do it all the time.
They will be fine as long as there is no blood drawn and both have their own separate space (pigloos are good for this). If you are worried about one or the other not getting to the food/hay/water while the other one is there, then put in an extra pile of hay or dish of food.

I'm not sure what you mean by the quail/pigeon noise...are you sure it's not some kind of rumbling, or chirping sound?

I recently introduced an adult female to my other 2 adults (a neutered boar and a sow) and the 2 girls still have a few nipping sessions, but it starts to calm down after a while.
Ditto to what the others said. The "bully" is just reminding the other who's boss. My girls will do that sometimes. I'll walk in and it's like Queen is stalking Lola as she rumblestruts. Very cute. =D
I think the noises the piggies make are a cross between rumbling and chirping. I also think that it is more conversational than anything else.
You're one pig is establishing dominance over the other pig. They have to sort the dominance out in order to live in harmony. It's perfectly normal. The growling is probably accompanied by butt wiggling and is called rumblestrutting.
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