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Pregnancy Is my guinea pig pregnant?


Cavy Slave
Mar 20, 2012
Hi I'm new here and I'm so glad I found this forum.

I really really do apologize if there has been another thread posted that already gives specific information for signs of pregnancy.... Here is my dilemma:

I recently received a female guinea pig towards the end of Dec 2011 - Jan 2012 (I forget the exact date). When I received her, she was very skiddish and afraid, but I assume that's normal since she wasn't used to me yet. One day she started bleeding from her back in two bald spots on opposite sides. I read online that it was a natural tendency for her to scratch/nip herself like that and it was a sign of pregnancy. I did check online to see what type of skin conditions there were, and she doesn't seem to have any, she's very clean. Anyways, I did as much research as I could about pregnant guinea pigs and I believe there is a 10 week waiting period until she delivers her babies. It's been already about 10 weeks or more, and she hasn't given birth. I don't understand. Oh and also she has weird habits that convince me that she IS pregnant. Some may be normal, but I'm not sure, but tell me what you think?

1. She is not active, only comes out to eat and drink, but sleeps most of the time. She rarely leaves her castle dome.

2. She drinks TONS of water, a full bottle overnight sometimes.

3. I felt two hard lumps in her stomach when I tried to pick her up.

4. She will NOT allow ANYONE to pick her up or she will scream.

5. She chatters her teeth at me every time I bring my hand close to her.

6. She eats A LOT and often wheeks for food.

7. Her urine is kind of transparent white when it is dried, but not cakey. Also smells a bit acidic?

8. Her butt sides are HUGE, she looks like a giant peanut. I don't know if she's overweight, or if she is pregnant, but this is a major sign.

9. This is also probably immature to state, but she makes a weird "poofing" sound like she's farting... lol. She doesn't look sick though. Her poop looks fine too.

10. She nips and scratches at herself a lot.

I've read she needs lots of Vitamin C, but she won't eat any fruits I give her. I've tried a lot of different kinds, but nothing acidic (like oranges). So I got her "Kaytee Fiesta Mix" pellets that has extra Vitamin C. I also feed her collard greens and carrots, which she enjoys much more than the pellets.I also gave her Alfalfa Hay at first, but we ran out so I've been giving her Timothy Hay this past week. I've tried giving her different treats like apple wood chew sticks, fruit treats like guinea pig trail mix, whatever I find. She doesn't touch them either. She doesn't play with any of her toys. What do you guys thinks? By the way, I've never owned a guinea pig. Here is an image of her:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?

Don't worry, that isn't her actual cage. I had to temporarily put her in a box while I made a C&C cage for her. That's when I first got her though, a long time ago. She's very plump now, and weighs more than before. Isn't she adorable? Haha. She's really funny, but really mean to me. :(
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I did try to find a new home for her at first because my dad is allergic to her, but my boyfriend decided to keep her and take her in, instead. We both thought it was really difficult to let her go, and I don't think it's fair if she is pregnant. But yes, we decided to keep her, and we found another better alternative so we don't have to give her away. Thanks for your reply, I'm reading the links you gave me right now.
@lissie -- I just read your first website... I'm still not sure if my guinea pig is pregnant?
Although I understand if she is too old, she will have complications giving birth and may die...
I have no idea how old she is though, nor can I tell.
Also read the second website, but it doesn't explain much on my problem on how to interpret if she's pregnant or not. If she is though, I'm worried about the whole thing on whether she may be too old to deliver the babies? Ughh, the thought just scares me.

By the way, I believe she was pregnant before I received her. She has had no contact with other guinea pigs (nor do I have any others in my household) since I first got her.
I would try to find out how old she is, if it bothers you so much (but I too would be terrified.)
You could ask the person who gave her to you as a gift, and if they don't know, try to get in contact with whoever they got her from (but, obviously, they would have to know first.)
I believe timothy hay is exactly what she needs (it depends on age, I'm not sure if it depends of pregnancy.)
Also, and I'm not entirely certain if I'm correct because its been awhile since I did cavy research on the subject, I don't think there are many "toys" that are appropriate for guinea pigs. Or, they just don't need them so you could save yourself some money.
I really hope you find everything out, and all goes well. She really is an absolutely adorable cavy.

Thank you for your post. Before I freak about the age thing, I should determine whether she's even pregnant. Here are pictures I JUST took to help get a better idea of her size and shape. She pooped when she saw me... lolz. My boyfriend was the one who gave her to me and he told me he got her from a breeder who works for a petting zoo... and has no contact with him. So no age is available...

[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?
Ah, that sucks that you have no way of knowing.
I personally know nothing about cavy pregnancy, so I can't help you. But, pregnant or not, she is cute and plump. :) I'm really happy you decided to keep her, and are taking the effort to try to and find information about guineas.
Also, I love the circular grids! That's very cool.
I've had a pregnant pig, and I can assuredly tell you she doesn't look pregnant, nor does she sound like she has any of the symptoms. Guinea pigs are just naturally a little chubby. She does sound like she's uncomfortable around people... I hope that breeder didn't mistreat her.
Thank you so much for coming here to learn about how to make a better life for your adorable piggie! Guinea Pigs need lots of room to roam around, which is why if you haven't made a C&C cage yet, it's essential that you do, especially as you mentioned her getting "fat" and also that she is not active, which can definitely happen when a guinea doesn't have enough room. If you do nothing else, a Guinea Pigs basic dietary needs are these: Unlimited hay (Guineas seem to love Oxbow hay) for eating, a water-bottle with water available to them 24/7, and Daily Vegetables. They can get their Vitamin C from dark leafy grain vegetables but it is also good to provide pellet fortified with Vitamin C as you mentioned. Too much fruit can be bad for their diet, whereas most vegetables are excellent. You can read a very clear guide to guinea needs here: How to care for your cavy! - Orange County Cavy Haven
They are a rescue located right near you and will be happy to educate you on the proper care, and at the very least can check out your guinea pig for you at their next event at no charge and tell you if she's pregnant or needs immediate vet care. That said, I would schedule a vet visit as you just aqcuired a new pet and would want to know if she's healthy, especially as those bald spots can be from mites and are very itchy and uncomfortable for a guinea and can be easily treated with the proper medicine!
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I bet she has/had mites, hence the hair loss. This will also make it painful to be held, so it stands to reason she wouldn't want to be touched.

On the other hand, the two large lumps you are feeling may be ovarian cysts. Pigs with ovarian cysts can have hairloss on both sides. What do her nipples look like? Any crust?

It's possible she has both mites, and cysts. You may want to take her to the vet to check, since the treatment for ovarian cysts is a spay. You can treat for mites yourself, or ask the vet to do it.
Thank you everyone for your concern and replies.

Her nipples aren't crusty, just large and noticeable, like cones almost, possibly swollen (comparing to normal guinea pig nipples).

I've been reading about ovarian cysts, and that may have been what confused me with pregnancy since they show similar symptoms.

"You may notice the following signs, which the author's guinea pig, Snowflake, developed at about 3 years of age:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?
A slight loss and redistribution of weight Her shoulders become bonier and abdomen, rounder. She became a pickier eater, refusing her green pepper.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?
Sexually aggressive. She became very pmsy and mounted her cage mates on a regular basis, also displayed herself.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?
Enlarged nipples. Nipples seemed to be slightly enlarged and developed a crust.
See photos: -ONE- -TWO-
[GuineaPigCages.com] Is my guinea pig pregnant?
Hair loss. A general thinning of hair, and later, loss on the sides of the abdomen (Snowflake pulled out her own hair). Healthy skin. No scratching. "

--- Taken from Guinea Lynx: https://www.guinealynx.info/ovarian_cysts.html

Her shoulders don't seem to be bony, and her abdomen doesn't seem to be... rounder... I can't really tell, I just know from her waist down, she is very plump. I cannot tell if she's sexually aggressive since there are no other guinea pigs she lives with, but she DOES PMS. Enlarged nipples, yes, no crust. Hair isn't thinning, but still contemplating on the last symptom.

I'm really uncertain if she has mites, her fur is really clean and soft with no more bald spots. She doesn't shed a lot either. I think the two bilaterally symmetrical bald spots were self-inflicted a very long time ago when I first got her. She is just itchy, I suppose. But to be safe, I will take her to a vet ASAP, as advised. This all has me very worried... Thank you again.
Thank you so much for taking her to the vet, I'm worried about her too! Here is a list of vets who know what they're doing regarding guinea pigs that live in your area. Link List - Orange County Cavy Haven
(Many vets treat mainly dogs/cats and don't know how to treat guinea's but the list above is for ones who specifically have a lot of experience in the guinea pig area.)

If you haven't already, please call OCCH rescue at Phone: (714) 242-7548, they have years of firsthand experience with piggies and can help answer some questions, so you don't have to rely on google info.
I am really interested in what is going on with your piggy. She seems to have the same symptoms as my girl, Auggie does. I keep thinking she is preg. also, but the Vet didn't think so but he couldn't say 100% for sure. I too don't know how old she is and don't know exactly when she would have gotten PG. Her cage mate which I thought was a female is actually a male but they were separated quite a while ago and I don't remember when exactly so how far along she could be if she is PG is a mystery.
She exhibits the following:

Slight loss and redistribution of weight, her abdomen, seems rounder.
She became a pickier eater after she started eating other vegs besides carrots.
Enlarged nipples. a couple of nipples seemed to be slightly enlarged but NO crust.

So as you can see I am very interested in what is going on. Oh, and she is an Abby also.
Thanks so much.
Thanks Rainbowsparkl for posting the vet list and our rescue as a resource. I just wanted to clarify that OCCH does ask for a small donation (usually 10$) for health checks at our events. We are not trained in veterinary medicine so we have the owner sign a waiver to this effect. We check for obvious signs of illness and make recommendations on how to follow up with your veterinarian. Our next event is not until May. The guinea pig in the photo does look to me like she might have a bulge on one side. I would recommend seeing Dr. Ridgeway at Long Beach Animal Hospital. He is very skilled at palpating ovarian cysts and is an excellent surgeon.

Long Beach Animal Hospital
Did you ever find out what was the problem...??? I'm curious to know if she had a cyst or not.
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