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Pellets Is it possible to make home made pellets?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 10, 2011
For those who don't have good pellets available :)
You could always do the HAFF diet for your piggies (Hay and Fresh Foods). Feed them a variety of veggies and fruits to ensure they are getting all the nutrition that they would get from pellets. I'm not sure of all the info about HAFF so hopefully someone will chip in about it soon!
Here's a link with bpatters answer to the same question: https://www.guineapigcages.com/threads/67217/
My first piggie ever was fed only fresh food, never pellets (my parents didn't agree on them back then), and he didn't drink any water. He was a really big boar and he lived happily for more than 5 years.
I'm thinking about doing the haff diet, but the information is still new to me, so I'm scared that I might miss something thing. Anyone here know how much veggies per pig is needed and what type would be good as a staple when on haff diet? So far I feed mine a tiny amount of pellets and veggies are usually romaine lettuce, green bell pepper and extra fruits/veggies on different days. Two handfuls of veggies a day, 1/8 cup of pellets per day, and all that for two pigs. My pellets are alfalfa based by hagen.
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