Is it just me or are many of you constantly staring at your guinea pigs when you sign off? After reading all these problems with peoples piggies I am becoming obssessed with constantly looking over mine. She's laying in her cozie so still and I'm willing her to move. Move dam it. She moved. Thank god, she's alive. Oh she peed on her white placemat. Oh good, white, lets see what color her pee is. Its yellow, yeah, yellow, thats a good color right? Oh no, she has some pink skin showing by her part and OH MY GOD! Is that DANDRUFF? Mites, Lice, Fungus, OH NO, Mites, Lice, Fungus, OH NO........$200.00 later, everything looks fine. Wheek, Wheek, my heart stops, is she squatting as she is wheeking, ....could be URI. No, No, looks okay, dont think she is squatting, Whew, that was close.
Only to be repeated again tomorrow.
So, tell me, be truthful, as much as I enjoy this forum, is too much of this good knowledge also a bad thing?
And are you obssessed as much as I am after signing off?
Only to be repeated again tomorrow.
So, tell me, be truthful, as much as I enjoy this forum, is too much of this good knowledge also a bad thing?
And are you obssessed as much as I am after signing off?