First of all, let me say I am not a breeder and have no intention of breeding any guinea pigs and I know what the stance is on this forum about breeding guinea pigs. But I have read on here that the mortality rate for pregnant GPs is somewhere on the order of 20-25%. This means that 1 in every 4 or 5 pregnant pigs dies as a result of being pregnant. I find this hard to believe as I've never actually heard a legitimate story of a guinea pig dying from giving birth. Just since I joined this forum about a month ago, I've read numerous stories about people acquiring female GPs from shelters, pet stores or wherever, who turned out to be pregnant and often the baby pictures are posted, but yet I haven't read about a single death among the mothers. When I was very young (many, many years ago), my family bred guinea pigs and though occasionally one of the babies would die, I'm pretty sure we never lost a mother. Reproduction is a normal part of life for any species and if guinea pig reproduction was as dangerous as many claim, I would think the species would have died out long ago. Does anyone have any factual, published data that supports this claimed mortality rate? Has anyone considered that if everyone stopped breeding guinea pigs deliberately and took great pains to keep males and female apart to prevent pregnancy, eventually the species would die out?