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Is cilantro ok to feed?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 9, 2005
I read in a book that cilantro was ok to feed to a guinea pig, but that is the ONLY place I have read it. I want to make sure it is ok to feed to them. Some places also say broccoli is ok, and some places say no, because it is gas inducing. What does anyone else think about cilantro, broccoli, or any other veggies?
Cilantro is a great everyday food. My pigs go nuts for it. Broccoli should only be given once or twice a week because it causes gas. For more information on good food go to this site https://www.guinealynx.info/nutrition.html.
Cilantro is a great food to feed on a daily basis - it's got good amounts of vitamin C too. Look at the vegetables table on the link dagwell gave you.
Mine go crazy for cilantro, although I swear it makes their poo and pee smell a bit more. I'm growing a whole bunch out in the garden for my Boys. Can't wait to let them at it! I should see some serious popcorning then!
Ditto to everyone else. My Queen loves dill surprisingly too! She sucks it up like she's never eaten before! And of course parsley, basil, and mint are alright too, as long as they're fed in moderation.
Great, thanks everyone! I have tried peppers and parsley and they refuse to eat it. I wonder if they have their tastes already set since they are "pre-owned". The cilantro they seem to like, and they love romaine! I looked on the other site, Guinea Lynx, and the list I looked at didn't have cilantro on it. So, again, thanks!
Sometimes you have to keep introducing certain foods to them before they will eat them. At first my boys refused to eat Romaine! However after several days of putting it in their cage, they finally stopped just peeing on it and started eating it. Now they go nuts over it, thank goodness.
At first, my piggies did not like celanto. I kept indroducing it and now they love it.
AZ uses alot of celanato due to the many mexican dishes served here. It is very plentiful here and very cheap. Peppers of any color are a favorite here. All kinds of letteces and veggies. They eat just about anything. They love watermelon.
I stopped feeding the gassy veggies. I just didn't want to take a chance. Same with spinach and the other high acid veggies. They eat so much of the other. I figured it would be ok.
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