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im so upset


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 13, 2004
my black male guinea pig died, i noticed it on its back not moving and i imeddiately started crying but then my husband noticed it moving a tiny bit so i held it and it kept choking kinda coughing noises and opening its mouth wide and it felt very cold and it then proceeded to die 4mins later what was wrong with him does anyone know?? im kind of scared that my 2 female guinea pigs will catch it or that the dogs could to
i am sorry About your piggy
wow...i'm so sorry about your loss! what were his symptons?
well he was fine until today he used to sneeze but not alot just like mayube 3 every 10hours just when he was eating hay maybe not sure, but today i found him upside down not moving then i picked him up and it sounded like he was choking or coughing and not really breathing and he opened his mouth and just very very cold
Terribly sorry.

How old was he?
what did you feed him? maybe he chocked on something?
i dont know how old he was but he looked about 1year old well i fed him celery but that was 2days ago and i chopped it up real nice and tiny, do you think whatever he had the dogs could get or guiinea pigs?
Impossible to say without symptoms. It sounds like choking, or maybe a fall that landed in just the wrong way.

I am no doctor, but usually anything that is going to spread takes at least a little time to infect, so you would have seen some type of syptoms it is was a spreadable disease.
well he couldnta falled as he was ina tiny cage for the time being i was going to try and find a home for him sigh i loved the little thing he was such a squeeker hehe, i dont think he coulda chjoked on alot of things just pellets and carrots
I'm very sorry to hear about your little guy.

Probably he'd have other symptoms if he had something contagious. So maybe he did just choke on something. The only way to know for sure would be to take him to the vet.
im really sorry about your piggie. im not sure if your other pets can also catch what he had.
check with the vet, if you really want to know what he had, and if it contagious and stuff. So sorry about the pig, if i were you, i would sterilize everything in that cage and the surrounding cages/areas and take the piggers to the vet immediately if you notice any symptoms in your others. Pigs still have the instinct to try and hide it if they are sick ar hurt, so if you notice it, they are probably already very, very sick.
Could have choked, could have been a URI or something else. I can't tell for sure. I'm so sorry.
I am really really sorry. Poor little guy, he was only a year old ='(
yeah well they said he was a year old he seemed very small but yeah i will sterilise everything tomorrow or today, i already disposed of the little guy well my husband did which was nice of him, well i think it was choking but what was URI again the symptoms
I'm not positive. I know a runny nose and wheezing are. Check guinealynx.
well he didnt have that
you know whats sad is never managed to get around getting a photo of him, You all should take photos of your loved pets cos you never know what might happen I will take photos of my piggys tomorrow
He wasn't choking. Those are death throes. If he was healthy, he could have just been old. It seems like everyone estimates piggies to be about a year old, but nobody ever seems to know for sure. They only live five to eight years, so maybe he was old. Sorry for the loss. In any case, if the others look healthy, I would not be worried.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's so frustrating to loose one so quickly. Did you notice anything like a loss of appetite?
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