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I'm new!


Cavy Slave
Nov 11, 2011
Hello everyone! My name is Mallory. We brought home 2 male guinea pigs, Stitch and Spanky about 3 weeks ago. I've spent the last month reading and learning through this forum, and I thought it was time to introduce myself! We have had so much fun building the cage and watching them explore their new home. I have learned so much and can't wait to learn more!

I will post a picture, it's not great but it's the only one I could get of both of them! Maybe we will get some more later!

[GuineaPigCages.com] I'm new!
Welcome to the forum!
Hello and welcome! Cute pigs!
Love the Dalmatian looking one! Too cute!!
awwww how cute!!
They are too cute! Welcome and thank you for feeding our picture addiction:shhh:!
They are cute and I love their names, how did you come up with them?
Thanks! Oh, the white and black one is stitch

[GuineaPigCages.com] I'm new!

and the tan one is Spanky

[GuineaPigCages.com] I'm new!

The names are not special or sentimental. We are actually horrible about naming animals. My boyfriend, Jamie will try to "try out" names. We currently have a hamster that he calls "Howard" and I call "Smokey". I got to name Stitch and he had to pick a name for Spanky. He was just going to "try out" Spanky and I made it stick. Oh Well! :)
Hello! Welcome to the forum! They are adorable! :)
Ah! Here's a teachable moment. For those of you who don't know what they are, Stitch is a roan guinea pig. Roans have white hair mixed in with other colors. A totally white patch in the middle of another color doesn't indicate a roan, but white hairs interspersed in colored hair do.

Roans and dalmatians (they look like a dalmatian dog) of either sex should never be allowed to breed because of the danger of producing lethal white offspring. Lethal whites are always white, are born blind and deaf, usually with very small eyes. They may or may not have incisors, and if they do, they often are soft and need regular trimming. Their intestinal tracts are undeveloped, and they may have lifelong problems. Lethal whites are often stillborn or die shortly after birth, but if they live, they need constant care and handfeeding. If you want to see a truly inspiring story of a lethal guinea pig and her caregiver, read (broken link removed). But bear in mind while you're reading it, this owner never leaves that pig for longer than two hours at a time. Talk about being tied down!
How adorable are they!!!! We just brought home 2 baby boys ourselves on Thursday and I started reading on here beforehand. Don't have my cage made yet, but working on gathering supplies with each paycheck :)
Oh wow, I didn't know that... does that mean Stitch is at any risk??
No, Stitch is not at any risk at all. Only Stitch's offspring would be.

The roan gene and dalmatian genes are one of the big reasons why pet owners should not mate their guinea pigs. Most don't know about that gene, which is why I took the occasion of your picture to write about it.

Just recently, a rescue took in a pregnant roan guinea pig who had mated with another roan. Four babies, three lethal whites.
Well thanks! I certainly don't plan on breeding, but it's good to know!
Wow, that is interesting! Can you tell me what kind of piggy (besides a spoiled one) my Petunia is?
Your Spanky looks just like my Snickers Doodle.:shhh: Your piggies are beautiful.. Thanks for sharing the photos, and Welcome to the forum.:eek:
How cute! Welcome!
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