I recently got a used Ikea Sundvik bed frame off of Craigslist. As this particular model has a tall lip around where the mattress would be, it seemed perfect to convert into a MEGA piggy cage
I've just been having some second thoughts about the wood. I know the actual bed frame is pine, and I'm pretty sure it's kiln dried, but I emailed Ikea to confirm. Also, the Ikea website sayas the slats are made of "birch veneer, beech veneer, adhesive resin". Would this be a problem to have near piggies? They won't be directly on it, since I'll be lining the whole structure in coroplast. But will the "adhesive resin" in the slats produce dangerous fumes? Is it dangerous to store these in the same ROOM as the cavies? (I'm storing the disassembled bed components in the pig room at the moment.)
Thank youso much for reading!
I recently got a used Ikea Sundvik bed frame off of Craigslist. As this particular model has a tall lip around where the mattress would be, it seemed perfect to convert into a MEGA piggy cage
I've just been having some second thoughts about the wood. I know the actual bed frame is pine, and I'm pretty sure it's kiln dried, but I emailed Ikea to confirm. Also, the Ikea website sayas the slats are made of "birch veneer, beech veneer, adhesive resin". Would this be a problem to have near piggies? They won't be directly on it, since I'll be lining the whole structure in coroplast. But will the "adhesive resin" in the slats produce dangerous fumes? Is it dangerous to store these in the same ROOM as the cavies? (I'm storing the disassembled bed components in the pig room at the moment.)
Thank youso much for reading!