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If you are still looking for a vet. . .


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2005
I dont know if this is common knowledge, but I am sure it won't hurt. I was looking for a good exotics vet for my guinea pigs and I was searching the yahoo yellow pages, then I just started searching Yahoo. It came up with the association of exotic mammal veterinarians. The website is www.aemv.org. If you click on the veterinary locater link you get a alpha listing of vets. Once you click on one in your state, it will list all the ones in your state right after, so you have every vet who has joined the association in your state. I clicked on one of the vet's websites in my state and lo and behold i found a bio of the vet on her site and sure enough she focused mainly on small animals. Check it out?
Very cool, thanks for sharing. There were no vets in my general vacinity. DRAT!
I am in Central Ohio Area and know a few good vets in that is close to you Denise
I really love mine, a family friend, but would love to know who you know of. Send me a PM or just list it here. Thanks!
Thank you so much I found one in the pgh area. I have a vet that is near me and its called Metvet. They are so high in price. for neutering a boar is 153.00. Isnt that crazy or what. I am gonna find out where she is located at and hopefuly she is not too far from us. I would love to neuter our boars eventually so that the boys can be with all the girls in one big cage in stead of 2 separate cage.
Angel you would not be able to put all the boars in with all the girls.
If you're in Minnesota, there is a good list of small animal vets here: (broken link removed).
what about virginia? i am gonig to get my piggies soon, probaly in a month or 2, and i want to have a good, rliable vet on hand! :)
Why you say that Ruby.
Wouldn't there still be dominance issues between the boars if they were put together with sows?
even if they were neutered.
Check in the local or online yellow pages, and ask around! Sorry I can't be more helpful, piggielover.
AngelsCavies said:
even if they were neutered.
Yes. Only one male can be with a group of females because there would definately be fights. It's a whole dominance female thing. Neutering dosen't change their personalities, so I would suggest only neutering one male to put in with the girls. I'm neutering Simon when I find a good vet that will neuter.
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