What a job that was! I got Butter and stuck him in the little kitchen scale and he just sat there - he lets you do anything to him. Wrote down the weight, went and put him on floor time. Then... it was time to weigh... Peanut. Oh geez. It took two full grown adults to get him to sit in that scale long enough for someone to read it! He's insane. It was like a cartoon. All four paws on the edge of the bowl refusing to be put in. I don't know if he thought we were weighing him for the roaster pan or what! Then he got put on floor time and he sat there for at least 5 mintues just staring at my husband like he was plotting some sort of revenge on him. Just so you know, he weighs 1 pound 5 ounces.
Whew. I'm not looking forward to this weeks weigh in! I might save it for the vet on Thursday. They are getting a general check up with my local Guinea Pig specialist.
Whew. I'm not looking forward to this weeks weigh in! I might save it for the vet on Thursday. They are getting a general check up with my local Guinea Pig specialist.