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Cage I was guilty


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 30, 2012
And felt horribly bad about it, but I couldn't do anything until now. My poor boys were housed in a tiny ferret-type cage, with barely any room to move (b/c of their pigloo and litterpan). I took them out as often as I could but I still felt like I was letting them down. They ate, drink, nibbled their hay and slept. Not much room for anything else. They would squeak and chatter whenever I walked by or they heard plastic rattling but not much else.

[GuineaPigCages.com] I was guilty

Today I FINALLY got to put them in their new C&C cage!! It's a 2 x 4 grid and they LOVE IT!!! They're running laps, jumping, popcorning, and just totally enjoying their new home! Which of course makes me feel worse that they were in such a small cage before :( I'm trying to think of other things to add or trade-out with when I do a cage cleaning (I'm going to work on a fleece sleeping bag of sorts tonight to definitely add) I'm afraid to really add anything else as I don't want to clutter it up too much. Thoughts there?

Frik and Frak's new digs! Whatcha think? Need improvements?
[GuineaPigCages.com] I was guilty


Wonderful!! You did such a great job for these handsome/beautiful fellas/ladies! Fleece forests are a great addition to any cage. Most guineas I've seen love it! You take fleece strips, and tie them to grid squares (all the way around), adding them to the top of your cage. No floor space taken up, and it also makes not only a place for them to hide in, but a place for them to run through like floor tubes/fleece tubes. My boys love it!
Looks like a nice setup and don't beat yourself up over your previous small cage. The C&C cage idea is still relatively new and we all have to learn sometime. It looks like they are good about going in their litterbox....lucky you. You could try putting it right under the hay rack and it would help catch the stray hay too. As far as other things, you might try a fleece forest in one corner as those are usually pretty popular.
Looks great!!! Perhaps try putting their litter pan under the hay rack? My girls do 95% of their business while aeting their hay, makes clean up so easy!
Glad to hear they're so happy! :)
Beautiful job!
Terrific! Guinea pigs are so fun to watch run around. I also second the fleece forest idea. It adds a hiding space that doesn't block their path while running laps.
Thanks everyone! It's been a joy watching and listening to them all day! I had no idea they were so clownish. :D

I'll definitely try the fleece forest idea (I have LOTS of scrap fleece as I make dog toys, so I'll have a lot of fun making stuff. :D). I tried moving their litter box under their hay rack, but they apparently don't like it there. (I'm trying to get them to use the litter box, so most of the poo seen is what I added LOL - I wish they were litter trained).
Unfortunately, unlike ferrets and rabbits, guinea pigs kind of just poo where they poo. Most will try to keep it in one general area (usually a corner) but there's no guarantee on that.

It's a little hard to see into the cage with the lid on but it looks great from what I can tell. Much roomier than the cage you had before. And don't feel bad, I made LOADS of mistakes when I got my first pig. Quickly remedied once I found this site.
Many people make the same mistake when they get thier pigs. The best we can do is remedy the cage as soon as we can, and educate others. I think you're cage is excellent. I would definitely add a kitchen, though. I've noticed that the cage needs to be changed twice a week if I don't have a kitchen area. Since they love their cage and run laps, can you add a second level?
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