Hello everyone, I really want to recommend this site to other new piggie owners or to people wanting to get their first piggie. But, I am very worried that if they don't know what they are doing, or if they want to have little babies, that some people, who do get really riled up about breeding, will scare them away with their intensity. I do totally agree on the anti-breeding, and on taking care of your piggies exceptionally well and housing them properly. I just want these newcomers to be able to come here and talk with the experienced Cavy Slaves about the proper care and raising of them. I have read alot of posts where someone feels so intensely about anti-breeding that they scare even me. I do believe it is best to try in a gentle and informative way to get these people to do the right thing. When I first started out, I did'nt know anything about piggies, or that pregnancy could kill them. My piggie was already pregnant by the time I found you guys, and living in a rubbermaid tub. (yeah, nice huh?) I was told by the petstore this was all they needed, really. Anyway, is there a compromise available for these newbies? Or, can I recommend a link associated with this group? Please let me know, and I respect & am amazed by you all.