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Vision I think my guinea pig Chester is sick! One of his eyes are leaky..


Active Member
Cavy Slave
May 29, 2012
I just picked up my guinea pig Chester to let him to go play and I noticed one of his eyes are looking a little closed, and leaky. The other eye is fine, he wasn't like this yesterday. He's still his cheerful and normal self, still eating and popcorning. Help, anyone? I give him vitamin C drops daily and fresh hay and food with veggies. Would it be possibly that since I just changed the other side of the cage ( I have my boys and girls separated) and was vaccuming that it may have irritated his eye?
[GuineaPigCages.com] I think my guinea pig Chester is sick! One of his eyes are leaky..[GuineaPigCages.com] I think my guinea pig Chester is sick! One of his eyes are leaky..[GuineaPigCages.com] I think my guinea pig Chester is sick! One of his eyes are leaky..
Vacuuming wouldn't have done it. I'd take him to a vet -- eye problems can get serious very quickly, and you don't want him to lose his eye. Also, eye problems can be very painful. It could be a hay poke, or it could be hay that's under the eyelid or even behind the eyeball.
It might even be conjunctivitis which is contagious. I agree that you should take him to the vet.
Definitely get him to the vet. That doesn't look good. Keep us updated!
There are only two vets in my area and they both close early and they're booked up for a few days!!!! What to do? :(Panic has set in for me.
I'd call them back and tell them he's got an eye problem and needs to be seen. Ask for their email address and attach one of the pictures of his eye. Maybe they'll work you in.
I'll try that!! I hope they can. He's still looking the same, not better, not worse. But I know how crappy it feels when something's stuck in my eye.
I'll be keeping him in my thoughts! Make sure to keep us updated on the situation; I'm a huge piggie lover, and I definitely feel your 'sick piggy' nervousness. As long as you get him worked in to the vet as soon as you possibly can, I feel sure that he'll be just fine. :)
Thanks! I really hope it's nothing serious. I'm still waiting on the vet offices to either call me back or email me back. I really hate doctor and veterinarian offices. They always seem to take their good time with any kind of situation it seems.
Even if vet clinics are closed for a holiday, emergency vets are always open because they are for...well, emergencies. I think this qualifies. Call your regular vet number and get the number to the emergency vet.
I'd try for a regular exotic vet rather than the ER vet. They're usually not trained in exotics care. The 24-hour animal ER close to me won't even see guinea pigs.
I just got a call back from one of the vets I called. The ER vet doesn't treat exotic animals, but the one who called me back scheduled me in tomorrow for 2:00. They're going to do a dye test on his eye. She suggested using eye drops for now, but if there's a scratch or ulceration it could get worse. So I'm just going to leave it alone until tomorrow when they can let me know what's wrong. I'm so excited I got a call back! :D
But.. problem. I just realized that I don't have an animal carrier or small kennel to put him in. :[ How am I going to manage that?
Laundry basket or cardboard box works well, just line it with some towels, no need for expensive carriers.
Yeah I'll probably do that. I just hope it's nothing serious, I'm 17 and I work a retail job, so a good bit of my paycheck is going to be going to him, lol. But I love him and he's more than worth it. As long as he's happy, I'm happy :eek:
Chester just saw the vet and she told me that he has URI. It was caused by his new friend that I got him. His new friend doesn't show any signs of being sick though. I also have week old babies and mother on the other side of the cage but they don't show signs of being sick. I need advice and fast. Who to separate from who, where to put them, what to do. Any suggestions? I'm about to go get supplies for another c&c cage.
I wouldn't worry about separating anybody -- they're all thoroughly exposed by now if they've been in cages close to each other. Just watch them carefully and get medication quickly for anybody else who seems sick.
When you get new guinea pigs, you are supposed to have a quarantine period, so that things like this don't happen, you bring in one sick pig, and they get all the pigs sick. I don't think separating would help much now, maybe take them all to the vet, since they were together and my all have URIs. Though I'm not an expert, someone with more knowledge should come along soon to help more.
I'm really bummed out about this whole situation. :(
If any more get sick will the vet be able to provide medicine without having to see them all?
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