If you want to listen to a long story, then go ahead and read my post! Today, my mom, sister, and I decided to go Christmas shopping. Well, my mind was still dwelling on how I still couldn't find a pig to rescue and that I would have to buy a bred piggie from my family friend's pet supply store. And I had to wait three weeks, too. Well, I was really bummed out, so when we stopped at a strip mall, I saw the PetLand sign down the way, and I decided to go in and see what was new with the store. I KNEW this store had a really bad rep, and that it sold dogs and cats in cages smalled than a commercially made guinea pig cage. They also sold small animals and reptiles. The first thing I saw when I walked in was a bunch of little guinea pig babies, all about three weeks old. At first, I all I saw was the teeny tiny cage, but then I remembered how much I wanted a new piggie, so then I noticed the good things. They used care fresh bedding, they had food and water, the pigs looked healthy, etc. etc. So, I told my mom and we checked the store out. I was in line to but the pig when my mom comes up and tells me that she had just been talking to this little old lady, and the lady said that she was in here recently selling a boxer puppy, and when the family had paid for the boxer in full and went to take it home, the store said it would have to stay at the store for one more week because it was so sick. So, the store was irresponsible AND dishonest. At first, I was so mad because I wanted to be in denial, to go home with a guinea pig in hand and that was that. I was being totally ignorant. S, I left the store in a huff, really mad mecause my mom just had to but in. I was really depressed, so I asked my sister to drive us to our friend's pet supply store, where I was on the waiting list for a new guinea pig baby. Well, we walked in and saw that there were about four new cages. My mom inquired about them, and we found out that some irresponsible family had bought one male and one female, and saw that they 'unexpectedly' bred. They brought all of the guinea pigs in, not just the babies and one of the parents, and gave them back to the store, incredibly mad that the store hadn't told them that two guinea pigs of a different sex would mate. Uh-huh, someone didn't do their research. Or, for that matter, listen in Sex Ed class. Well, the babies hadn't been handled at all, so they were quite the little squirms, and one of them, the one that I had rescued, might have mites, either that or his irritable brother attacked him. I decided to get the more submissive of the two because I was going to try and put him in the same cage as Cocoa(I pray this works!). I got him for free because they had only been there a few hours. I'm so happy! I've named him Pippin(after the Lord of the Rings character) because he seems like a very happy and jovial little fellow, he's just terrified at the moment because he's been to two new places in one day. That's alot of stress on a little 9 week old guinea pig! I believe that he's a chocolate abyssian, but I am not sure. I'll try to upload a few pictures of him and Cocoa soon so you can see both of my little babies!