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Size I ran out of space!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 27, 2011
I have a 2x3.5 cage for my 2 female piggies and I feel like it's so cramped! I have a pigloo, a wooden hidey house, 2 cuddle cups and a timothy tunnel. But now there's very little space for them to run around. I don't know how else to arrange it...I originally had 1 cuddle cup but they were fighting over it so I added one. And they each take a hidey so I can't take one out. And they both use the tunnel.

Is there a good way to arrange all this so they still have space? Are there things I need to be aware of when I arrange things in there?

HI! So to solve your dilemma here is one answer to consider: Take out both, the pigloo and wooden house and just put some fleece or some type of towel/blanket on 2 of the corners of the cage that slightly hangs down to make a hidden area and it will not take up as much space. I know they probably like their houses but mine also like the fleece hidies too. you could put the cuddle cup under the fleece hidies. Similar to this picture of my pig in her bed:
[GuineaPigCages.com] I ran out of space!
Fleece or towel tents are great. They don't take up any space. Pigs can hide under or run through.

Another good idea is to cut fleece into strips and hang them up.

[GuineaPigCages.com] I ran out of space!
Is there any way to enlarge your cage to a 2x4 or larger? 2x3 is recomended for one pig 2x4 for two. That plus your hideys and such may be why it appears to be to small.
Take out the cuddle cups during the day and put them back in at night. If you can upload a photo, maybe we can figure something else out.
They only need two things to hide in. Take the others out, and you can rotate them through every couple of weeks so that the pigs have a change of scenery.
Thanks! I really like the corner fleece idea!!!

Suzilovespiggies - I bought my cage from the store on this site - it said that the 2x3.5 was good for 2 pigs? Is that old info? I just set it all up and made fleece cageliners...ugh!
you can also build up if you want.
Bunk beds also can work for pigs, and you can find photos of those on the site. My cage has a 1x2 "mezzanine" across the back end under which they can hide and onto which they can jump, which has eliminated the need for my two boars to have any hideys at all on their main level - the back 14" of their cage is effectively a hidey, without interfering with running room at all. And since they hop on and off that mezzanine level, I've had no need to take up space with a ramp.
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