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I need some help my guinea pig got attacked ad now his tooth is completely brokn off.

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Cavy Quiet
Cavy Gazer
Mar 11, 2012
will it grow back also i hope intrnally he is ok h has some scratch wounds but seems to be ok is there n e thing that can be givin for pain or what should i do im panicing :weepy:


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i cant get n e pics of his tooth i dont want to hurt him
Take him to the vet. You can get prescription pain meds from the vet.

What attacked him? A cat? Another guinea pig?
my brothrs big dog :(
i cant tak him to a vet its about a day drive i think mr.donut is ok cause h acting normal im worried bout his tooth i dont know if it will grow back
there could be internal bleeding. hoping there isn't won't help your guinea pig.
I did a research for you, it seems like the tooth is gonna grow back. However, I do notice he has some serious shedding, doesn't he?
Teeth can grow back but it won't if the root fell off. So it depends on how the tooth broke off. You need to take your pig to the vet.
He will likely has to be handfed too. Did he eat anything after it happened?
yes he is eating and yes sheding it doesnt look like any serious cuts just a scratch but im shocked he is not in worse condition cause im talking about a big dog and he took mr.donut out of his open cage which is pretty high up nothing seems to be wrong with him ....poor lil guy he eating a piece of cucumber and i see a one tooth imprint and mrs.donuts (his wife lol) bite marks hav both teeth imprint
is the male neutared?
[GuineaPigCages.com] I need some help my guinea pig got attacked ad now his tooth is completely brokn off.[GuineaPigCages.com] I need some help my guinea pig got attacked ad now his tooth is completely brokn off.[GuineaPigCages.com] I need some help my guinea pig got attacked ad now his tooth is completely brokn off.[GuineaPigCages.com] I need some help my guinea pig got attacked ad now his tooth is completely brokn off.ok the brown dog is mr.donuts attacker :mad:
ummm yes the cage jus now is became a closed cage and outside be cam the dogs hom during the day and no he is not neuterd and she is not spayed
i agree. we have enough guinea pigs in the world and breeding is wrong when there are guinea pigs in rescues that need homes.
Wow, I hope the picture you showed with both of the pigs is not their regular cage. Can you post a pic of where they are being housed?

You need to separate the male and female immediately.

It was difficult to decifer from your post but did you say they are outside now?? Outside is not an appropriate place for guinea pigs.
i have had them together for about a year no babies but i didnt know of those risks
I am NOT yelling, I am just being VERY emphatic. Please don't be offended, this is very important!

Those are VERY HIGH PREY DRIVE dogs! Strap or screw that cage down to the table, and put a lid on it with weights on top of that. Then PUT THAT PIGGIE CAGE IN A ROOM WHERE THE DOGS CAN'T GET TO IT!!!! Keep the door to that room CLOSED! Your piggies are dust if those dogs get them again.

Meanwhile, you should wash any cuts out with mild soap or dish detergent, dab-don't rub-with a paper towel to dry the area, and put a thin smear of neosporin (triple antibiotic) on the open areas. Watch closely for redness, swelling, or red streaks in the open areas which indicate infection and require emergency care.

I'm sorry this happened to your piggie. Dogs are very determined, and very dangerous to any small animal they view as prey. Please don't take any chances. If you leave the house, and the dogs are unsupervised, they WILL get your piggies.
You might not know of the risks but common sense and basic biology tells us that male + female = babies.
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