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I need help now!!!! life threating?!?!?!?!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 6, 2005
PLEASE I need to know if this is serious or not:if a guinea pigs ears are really hot does that mean that they have a fever? Melmen has been snezzing for the past 1.5 week now and only today did I realize that his ears are really warm. Joey (his brother) is not snezzing at all and his ears are just normal.

Does this mean any thing? I'm really worried :(
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My pigs sneeze now and then, but I don't know about the ears. Has it been constant? Maybe he was just running around and his body temperature is up? I would think the ears would be the place they regualte their body temperature. If you are that worried I would definitely take him to the vet asap.
no his snezzing is not now and then. I sometimes noticed it when I first got them that they sneezed now and then but now he is doing it alot more often and Joey isn't at all. I had a cold for the past couple of weeks, can they get sick from humans?
My pigs have a much higher body temp. than I do. When they lay on me, the spot gets very warm. Don't know about the ears.
Is there any discharge around the eyes or nose? Or just the sneezing? Is the bedding you use dusty?
I have read both opinions: 1. Guinea pigs can catch colds from people, and 2. Guinea pigs can not catch colds from people.
You'll have to ask someone more knowledgable than I.
Also, you can call an emergency vet (24 hour) and ask their advice.
Good luck.
Yes, I forgot to ask what kind of bedding you use. When I told my vet about the sneezing he suggested to try hay as bedding instead of woodchips. Maybe try cleaning the cage and filling it with hay? Or putting him temporarily in a small area with hay and see if anything changes?

I don't know if guinea pigs can get sick from humans, but I would think not. If he doesn't have discharge and he's eating normal I would suggest trying the hay and if he doesn't improve talk to your vet tomorrow.
Ketus15 said:
My pigs have a much higher body temp. than I do. When they lay on me, the spot gets very warm. Don't know about the ears.
Is there any discharge around the eyes or nose? Or just the sneezing? Is the bedding you use dusty?
I have read both opinions: 1. Guinea pigs can catch colds from people, and 2. Guinea pigs can not catch colds from people.
You'll have to ask someone more knowledgable than I.
Also, you can call an emergency vet (24 hour) and ask their advice.
Good luck.
thanks for your help! no there is no discharge of any kind, just the sneezing. I alos use fleece bedding too, so there is no dust from them either.
Ok, than ditto on what Stacy had to say: Watch for normal eating, drinking, and pooping. Also, why not make an appointment and take your pigs to the vet? If you're worried, its worth it. Take them both, and then you'll have the annual exam out of the way. Write down your guinea pigs behavior and symptoms and when they started so that you can clearly tell the vet what's happening.
A guinea pig CAN NOT catch a cold from a human. The common COLD is NOT contagious to humans, let alone a guinea pig. HOWEVER, if you did not have a cold and had a bacterial infection of some kind, then they COULD catch that.

Sorry Im not of much help other than that, Im not sure of the temperature of ears or anything. If you think he's really sick he needs to go to a vet ASAP.. Best of luck and God Bless your piggie.
Yes, definitely take them to the vet. Be sure to read up on GuineaLynx on safe and dangerous medications, and if the vet tries to give them something dangerous like amoxicillin, refuse it.

Pigs and humans can't pass colds or the flu back and forth (viral illnesses usually don't jump species, avian flu being an exception) but can pass bacterial respiratory infections.

stacyandpigz: one problem with hay is that it has to be changed more frequently, because wet hay gets moldy quickly. It also isn't as absorbant as other beddings. They sure love sleeping in hay, though.

Also note that pigs, especially pigs with white ears, seem to use their ears to cool off. They increase the blood flow, making their ears bright pink or red, and making their ears very hot.
I agree with Salana. Take the pig to the vet and have him checked out. He may have a URI (upper respiratory infection).
I am curious about one other thing. When you wash the fleece you use in the cage do you use any fabric softener? Maybe the perfumes in the soap, and softener (if you use it) are causing an allergy problem in your pig?!

Just a thought. I hope your pig is ok!

Good luck,
I would take your piggy to the vet just to be safe, it can't hurt. I dont know for sure about the ears but my piggies' ears are usually not warm, but I had one a while ago that got a URI and I remember the night I took her to the vet that her ears were really warm and that was unusual so if I were you, I would just go to make sure. Also, like everyone else said, keep an eye on the eating, drinking, pooping and activity level. Good luck and keep us posted!
All4Cavies said:
A guinea pig CAN NOT catch a cold from a human. The common COLD is NOT contagious to humans, let alone a guinea pig. HOWEVER, if you did not have a cold and had a bacterial infection of some kind, then they COULD catch that.

Sorry Im not of much help other than that, Im not sure of the temperature of ears or anything. If you think he's really sick he needs to go to a vet ASAP.. Best of luck and God Bless your piggie.
Sorry All4Cavies, but the common cold IS highly contagious to humans! It may not be transferable from human to cavy or vice-versa, but is a contagious disease. Believe me, I just left the ER with my husband on another matter and their were signs everywhere stating that.
No I don't use any kind of sortener. I just wash them in warm water and liqued laundry soap.

thanks for all your help everyone. I'm going to take him to the vets today, but my only consern is that my vet doesn't know that much about piggies so I'm not sure if he will think that anything is wrong.
You should take him to a vet that has experience with piggies, unless you already have an appointment or something, if he doesnt know much about the piggies you wont have the right answer from him he could not know and he will give healthy signs when hes sick, just keep your eye on your piggie for more signs of sickness.
I made an apptment for tommorow at my vets. I asked him about it and I brought up the fact that it might be a URI kand he said that he doesn't have the best experience with that but he has dealt with it before. He also said that yes the pig lived so at least thats good right? I'm going to try to find a new vet for my pigs when I get back (I'm going to New York for a week as a chaperon with my school) I thought that if I at least get Melmen in to see the vet now then if he does need any meds then my mom and dad can give them to him when I'm gone. I also work at the vets in my town so if right now he does need any meds then at least I get them at cost and can save a couple dollars then.

For any one that has had a pig that had a URI or a infection of some kind what was the treatment that you usually had for them?

Thanks again for all the help everyone!!!

P.S is there anything that I can do or give him that will help him recover? (in case the vet thinks it's nothing but a sneeze)
Ok then I guess it will be fine to take him to that vet, and I have had a piggie who had URI, and my vet told me to give him LOTS of vitamin C. and if he doesnt eat the veggies to give him orange juice, and the vet gave me the medicine to give him.
well thank you everyone and I'll tell you how it went after I'm home
You need to get batril an antibiotics to kill uri. Ask him if you get batril. Also you should go over to guinea lynx they have so many information on uri and what kind of meds. If it is a young piggie you will need bactrum not batril. Here check this link out and it will help you what meds and if its uri too. https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=20261. Hope your piggies gets better.
thanks for the website. I checked it out and i'm sure it will help.
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