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i need help as soon as you can


Cavy Slave
Dec 7, 2004
my guinea pig has lost a lot of weight in the past weight, about a pound. We went to the vet and she said that he's very healthy but his teeth are much too long. So we got them trimmed. But he still will not eat and continues to lose weight, he is now about half the weight of his sister. Please help because I am very scarred and the vet said there is nothing I can do. I tried canned pumpkin (100% pumkin) tomatoes (his favorite) spinach, spices, timothy hay, alfalfa, grapes, oranges, bananas, and all his other normal food. but no luck he just won't eat. please respond asap!
he really loves pellets but he won't eat them, since my retarded mom took him out of his cage and put him in a box i dunno about water ill try be right back
Ok, and please put him back in the cage too. Thanks. Try guinealynx also, they're awesome! They know more about it than I do.
ok ill try to let my mom put him back in his cage thanks so much! ill keep u posted within the next half hour of how hes doing
and also for guinea lynx what do you think his problem would be under?
Ok, great! Become a member at guinealynx, or at least look there. They have so much info, and would love to help! Unfortunately I must go now, but you should see a vet if this goes on. Good luck!
Also, you should feed him by hand if possible. Good luck!
If I were you I would post this on the guinealynx forum.
You need to force feed him if he isn't eating. Please see this link- https://www.guinealynx.com/emergencymedicalguide.html#handfeeding
Why is there nothing you can do? Did your vet suspect any other possible illnesses besides over grown teeth? Did the vet check to see if the molars were overgrown, because most likely if the insicors were overgrown then the molars will be too?
Does he have any other symptoms besides not eating? Is he pooping and peeing?
I'm not sure what the vet said since i was not there but, that's what my dad and brother said. I already tried handfeeding him, but my stupid mom doesn't want me to try again, when she goes upstairs ill pick him up and forcefeed him. but what im worried about is if he chokes.
the vet stuck her finger back there and said the molars are not overgrown, but my idiot mom forgot to tell me (which she just did) that the vet said his teeth might be sore for awhile, might this stop him from eating?
all he does is just sit in his igloo and sniff around if anyone goes near. but when i open the fridge he squeaks like normal but when i give the stuff to him he does not seem to want it
Yep his teeth will probably be sore and that may cause him not to eat for a couple of days. He needs to be force feed, regardless of what your mother wants you to do lol. Just try little bits at a time, he should gladly accept, unless he also has some other illness.
Is he drinking?

I reallly reccomend you post this on guinealynx forum, they can help you out lots more.
I am going to ask this again- Is he peeing and pooping? Does he have any other symptoms?
Wow. I would suggest you find a new vet ASAP. How can she say he is very healthy if he's not eating!! There are drugs that can be prescribed that will stimulate his appetite and you can syringe feed him. You really have to find a way to get some food into him tonight. I agree, putting him in a box might not be good. But then again maybe he needs a quiet place to recover. But, although I'm no expert, it sounds like he stopped eating because of his teeth and now he needs some immediate nutrition to perk him up enough to stimulate his natural appetite.
i dont think he's peeing or pooping and i wouldn't know what other symptons to look for
I agree with Critterlover.
If he is not peeing or pooping that is very very bad. It is usually very serious when a cavy does not go to the bathroom. He needs to go to a different vet.
Tell your mom that with guinea pigs it's different than with humans. Their digestive systems simply *can't* go several days without food. So keep up with the hand-feeding that you were doing. It explains here:
how to do the hand-feeding without choking him.
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