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I need costume ideas!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Hi :)

We get study leave in a week for my exams, so next friday is my last proper day of year 11 *sobs* This is the lasy year of compulsery education, so you can leave school after this. Anywho...so next friday we can come in, in fancy dress (wear silly costumes). The theme is America, so I need ideas on what to dress up as. My friend said Pocahuntus (sp?) because I have longish dark hair... but I don't really want to. Any ideas?
The Statue of Liberty might be a good idea...
I'm not really sure what ideas to give you-there are so many diverse cultures in America now and they all have different styles of dressing. Do you have access to any American magazines in London? Maybe you could dress casual based on what a model is wearing in one of those?
Good luck and post pics on what you decide (if you want).
ha ha, I'm look a like a right reject - not sure if I'm brave enough to post a picture! Thanks for you ideas!
LOL- I was going to add at the end "If you're brave enough..." but thought better of it.
Good luck Piglet!
well, I suppose I'm going to have to walk down the main road to get onto my school coach!
dress up as a crazy man they not just in america, but will give anyone jokes.
Piglet, here's a good idea. Dress in normal, casual clothes for school that day. When you get there, tell them that it's very similar to casual dress over in America. Never been to London myself, but I was all over Europe a few years back and there wasn't much difference no matter where I went.
Kat, I was thinking of that too, but then everyone was like no! You have to wear something proper. So, I think I am either going to be a red indian (he he), pirate or a cowgirl!
Piglet. Since I'm in New Orleans...and I figure you want something different...I suggest going as a Mardi Gras reveler. Wear purple, green and gold (the colors of Mardi Gras), Get or make a fancy feathered mask like these (broken link removed)
And pile on loads of Mardi Gras beads like theses (broken link removed) ....if you had given more notice I would have sent you a bunch of breads for free...but they won't get there in time now.

Of course Mardi Gras may seem too French since the idea for Mardi Gras came from France.

You could also go as a baseball player or American Football player.
Voodoo, that's a great suggestion!

Me and zoe went to the costume shop, but it was closed! So we carried on walking down the street, and zoe stood infront of a shop that had some clothes in the window. She mistook it for a fancy dress store, but it was a sex shop! Oh my...
hmmm did you want it to be a fancy dress shop piglet *wink wink* no im joking how about the american flag all you have to do is paint your face and wear the colours and get a flag.
Ha ha! That shop was closed too...how unlucky! Guess what was written on the shop front? 'Good vibrations' ewww. I might do that bromers, if I can't find a costume tomorrow evening.
im just full of idea's another good one is to be nice to builders, i have:
the helmet
the jacket
the coat thing
and im going to get the boots next time i see him. :D
one time i got drunk before a fancy dress party and went dressed as a sheet i mean ghost you can always try that.
or wait..... here is the best idea ever. go as a *drum roll please* american.
:) Just came back from the shop and it was so fun! There were Fred and Barney suits (from the flinstones) my friend and I were interested in...but they were really expensive. So, she got a pocahntus dress, a wig and a feather for her hair. I got a poncho, moustache and sombrero. My brothers going to buy me a fake gun tomorrow too! (don't worry, it's plastic)
my idea was better.
So your going as an illegal alien?
huh? Bromers... you ideas were a bit bland!
oh omg whats so rubbish about a ghost? or a american you can be an american ghost?
he he, well it needs to be something that obviously relates to America. So, a ghost isn't really.. And just being an american is a little boring. Sorry!
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