I agree that you shouldn't really have rabbits and guinea pigs together. I used to but after much reading about it is just not worth the risk.
I totally disagree with you bunnyluv17. Although I would love to have my rabbit indoors it is not possible. My rabbits are not neglected, they do not sit in their hutches 24/7, one is older than 2 and their cages are not small. Both cages are 4ft by 4ft, well sheltered from the rain and heat. They both get 5hours of running around (it would be longer but they don't get along.) I guess I am lucky that I do not have foxes and raccoons here though. When my rabbit was injured I noticed straight away, just because she lived outside didn't mean I payed her less attetion.
I don't know where you are from so it may be different where you live. In places like australia, canada and some parts of the USA I would agree that rabbits should be kept as house rabbits and never outside.
I totally disagree with you bunnyluv17. Although I would love to have my rabbit indoors it is not possible. My rabbits are not neglected, they do not sit in their hutches 24/7, one is older than 2 and their cages are not small. Both cages are 4ft by 4ft, well sheltered from the rain and heat. They both get 5hours of running around (it would be longer but they don't get along.) I guess I am lucky that I do not have foxes and raccoons here though. When my rabbit was injured I noticed straight away, just because she lived outside didn't mean I payed her less attetion.
I don't know where you are from so it may be different where you live. In places like australia, canada and some parts of the USA I would agree that rabbits should be kept as house rabbits and never outside.