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I knew he was blind BUT!

I agree that you shouldn't really have rabbits and guinea pigs together. I used to but after much reading about it is just not worth the risk.

I totally disagree with you bunnyluv17. Although I would love to have my rabbit indoors it is not possible. My rabbits are not neglected, they do not sit in their hutches 24/7, one is older than 2 and their cages are not small. Both cages are 4ft by 4ft, well sheltered from the rain and heat. They both get 5hours of running around (it would be longer but they don't get along.) I guess I am lucky that I do not have foxes and raccoons here though. When my rabbit was injured I noticed straight away, just because she lived outside didn't mean I payed her less attetion.

I don't know where you are from so it may be different where you live. In places like australia, canada and some parts of the USA I would agree that rabbits should be kept as house rabbits and never outside.

I just read on your info page that you have a male and female piggie, so why are you putting them together in the first place? I certainly hope your male is neutered.
I am curious to know why your rabbits have to live outside, but not your guinea pigs.

Rachy1412 said:
I totally disagree with you bunnyluv17. Although I would love to have my rabbit indoors it is not possible.
Piglet said:
I doubt it
Thanks very much for that constructive contribution to the conversation.
Hi Bunnyluv.

When I bought my Guinea Pigs and my Rabbits , I bought 1 of each at a time as a companion pet (1 Rabbit and 1 pig etc) My stupid logic at work there.
It turns out I and the stupid pet shop people cant tell the difference between 2 genders.
They were to be housed seperate so it would be a boy rabbit and girl guinea and a girl rabbit and boy guinea, you follow me? Anyhow, it turns out I got 2 boy piggies and 2 girl rabbits....Grrrrr... but its ok because how they can go together anyhow.

The only thing I had a problem with is I named them (GP's) spike and lily, so we still call him lily ....I think i need a new boyish name now.

I will go update my profile asap, thanks for pointing it out to me.

My rabbits come inside alot but they cant sleep in here as my house is open plan and they chew everything, (I rent at the moment) They wake my kids up so its hard to let them stay inside.. but now its raining and they have free run of my garage as im about to mop my floors...
Take care..
bunnyluv17 said:
I am curious to know why your rabbits have to live outside, but not your guinea pigs.
Some of my guinea pigs do live outside.. well in the shed but its the similar thing. My house is tiny I have just enough room to fit in my 5X3 cage. Also I cannot keep both rabbits in because they do not get along. They've already had two fights because I was stupid enough to try and make them like eachother. Another thing is that my cat is very scared of them and will refuse to come out if they are in the house. Lastly my rabbits are very destructive, they've already chewed up my clothes, sofa and many telephone wires. And due to the fact that I live with my parents I cannot really go agaisn't their wishes to keep my rabbits outside.
That's why bunny proofing is a must. I have had things destroyed too, until I got it right.

Rachy1412 said:
Lastly my rabbits are very destructive, they've already chewed up my clothes, sofa and many telephone wires.
bunnyluv17 said:
That's why bunny proofing is a must. I have had things destroyed too, until I got it right.
Or just having an x-pen and letting them out for supervised playtime.
That's like saying "my dog pees in the house so he has to live outside" Its not the animals fault, it's the owners for not supervising and training.
I was supervising, I never leave my rabbits unsupervised during floor time.
How can I bunny proof a sofa? :| Or the clothes I am wearing.. Not pick them up or something?
As I said the house is two small for both of the rabbits who don't get along, let alone one. And I am not about to get "rid" of one just because of that. They are happy outside, they binky around the garden and sunbathe in the sunshine.
I know that it's not the rabbits fault but spaying them didn't help the destructive side of them either! They can be as destructive as they like outside.
Rachy1412 said:
I was supervising, I never leave my rabbits unsupervised during floor time.
How can I bunny proof a sofa? :| Or the clothes I am wearing.. Not pick them up or something?
As I said the house is two small for both of the rabbits who don't get along, let alone one. And I am not about to get "rid" of one just because of that. They are happy outside, they binky around the garden and sunbathe in the sunshine.
I know that it's not the rabbits fault but spaying them didn't help the destructive side of them either! They can be as destructive as they like outside.
If you were supervising they wouldn't have had a chance to chew up the sofa or chew clothes. Yes, pick up clothes, why do you have them on the floor in the first place? You can make a barrier so they can't reach the sofa. You can get two x-pens to keep them in. We live in a house, not small, but not big. We have 4 dogs and 8 cats, so obviously, our two rabbits cannot be free range throughout the whole house. That's why we have one rabbit proofed room (my room) for them to run around in during the day. Our rabbits do not get anlong either, so we have a barrier between them.
I don't see any reason for any animal to be forced to spend it's life outside, away from the rest of the family, and at the mercy of the forces of nature. I'm surprised that animal rescues would adopt out animals that are going to be living solely outside ... I know where I live, the shelters/rescues require that animals be indoor only (except for dogs that need to go out to the bathroom.)
I agree that all animals should be kept in the house except cats and dogs. Why would anyone bother to get a guinea pig or rabbit if it is just going to stay outdoors, thats what farm animals are for. I'm sorry that I am so touchy on this subject, but I live in a fairly cold climate and I have heard of too many animals getting frostbite or even dying because temperatures went to low and the owners did not bother to go out and bring them in. Many people go out and get them when it is raining or snowing, but what about when it is a nice sunny day of -30. Would the owners even notice unless they went outside.
My dogs and cats get to go outside as much as they like and during the summer they do sometimes stay out all night if they wish, but I would never allow them to be out too long in the cold (We live in the sticks so there is really no danger from cars and such and we are far off the road). I really cannot understand people who would let a little animal such as a guinea pig stay out in the cold.

Just so I don't offend anybody, this post was not intended for any of the people here who keep there guinea pigs in heated areas or for people who live in warmer climates. This is intended for the ones who just basically leave their animals outside exposed to all the elements.
suzy_99 said:
I agree that all animals should be kept in the house except cats and dogs.
That statement is a perfect example of why you shouldn't judge everyone based on your situation. My cats are strictly indoors and would never be allowed outside because they would be eaten by coyotes. However, I wouldn't blast you for letting your cats out because I have no way of knowing what the safety factors are in your area.

I can't even remember at this point who has the outdoor pigs but if weather and other conditions make it safe, who are we to judge? Personally even if the coyotes were not on the prowl and the weather was not too hot in the summer, I would have a hard time giving my pigs enough attention if they were not in my face wheeking at me from my living room every day. But other people might not have that problem. If she can keep them safe and still give them enough attention, I think people ought to back off and leave well enough alone.
Katie said:
Yes, pick up clothes, why do you have them on the floor in the first place?
I mean't the clothes I was wearing, I do not have clothes laying on the floor.. they would get chewed up in seconds by the piggies!

Katie said:
You can make a barrier so they can't reach the sofa
I have made lots of barriers but they either knock them down, jump over them or destroy them! :| They seem to enjoy being naughty!

At least when their outside I know for certain that nothing can get in or out of their hutches. Whereas if someone just left the door open by mistake in the house and the rabbits managed to get at eachother all hell would break loose.

I honestly do see why I should keep them indoors and I would if I could. But I don't think that the weather over here in the Uk is all that bad (most of the time). If it snows the rabbits come in.. I would never let them sit outside if it was cold enough to snow. Their hutches are rain protected so that they don't leak water, thunderstorms are rare and the hutches are also out of the way of the sun. I also bring them in on fireworks night just incase they are scared of all the loud noises. They get to come indoors everyday to spend time with the whole family so that they don't feel neglected and loney.

LiciaMommycott said:
I wouldn't blast you for letting your cats out because I have no way of knowing what the safety factors are in your area.
I agree with that. Some places have animals that are hugely dangerous to their cats and outdoor pets. In that situation I would bring my animals in. But since I have already said we don't have any large birds of prey, no coyotes, no raccons, no wild ferrets etc. We do have a field across my road that may contain foxes but my garden is too inclosed for a fox to come into. Plus foxes and cats avoid eachother so it is unlikey of a fox to try and jump my fence to come into my cats territory(sp?)
When I made my statements about cats and dogs I did not mean that all cats and dogs should go outside, but that those are about the only animals that should if the owners chose to do so. I did not mean it in a negative way. We have a cat that hates going outside and we don't force her to go. This post was not intended for owners of cats and dogs, unless of course you have a dog tied up outside without so much as a dog house.

My post clearly said at the bottom that this was not intended for owners who have acceptable climates. I meant this for people who live in the north (I know theres a few) in frezzing cold temperature who still insist on keeping small animals outside all winter. This is where is it my right to give my opinion. If people keep them outside where it's actually nice I really couldn't care less and the piggies probably like it, but i'm sure that the piggies would not like having to burrow around for heat in -20 or -30 weather.
Again, I am not attacking anyone, especially not people who do or do not allow cats and dogs outside, as long as it is responsibly.
Just happened upon this thread and just have to add my 2 cents in. Cats do not belong outside. Too many terrible things can happen to them. It happens all the time. And as far as dogs go, it may be okay to have a dog house in ones backyard and keep their dog out part of the day, but other than that, dogs belong in the house with the family. Why get a pet otherwise if you intend to keep it outside? Just had to say this.
At times, this board may seem "hostile" but it is simply because the people on this board care VERY much about their guinea pigs and/or other pets and when they try to give advice to others, they simply disregard it or respond with childish remarks...that is what leads to the hostility. The things people are posting about not keeping guinea pigs and rabbits together is not just their way to start fights, they have information to back it up and just want to look after the welfare of the animals. I wish that people would listen to the advice given instead of getting defensive and rude. It's pointless to start fights and ruin a perfectly good forum.
They seem to enjoy being naughty!

Animals don't enjoy "being naughty". They don't even know what that means. They enjoy playing, exploring, and trying to get past the barrier. It's your responsibility to keep them out of trouble, either by putting up a better barrier (people can probably tell you what's worked for them) or restricting them from getting in that situation (by closing doors, or keeping them in a pen when not out for supervised playtime).
Love_my_piggies said:
At times, this board may seem "hostile" but it is simply because the people on this board care VERY much about their guinea pigs and/or other pets and when they try to give advice to others, they simply disregard it or respond with childish remarks...that is what leads to the hostility. The things people are posting about not keeping guinea pigs and rabbits together is not just their way to start fights, they have information to back it up and just want to look after the welfare of the animals. I wish that people would listen to the advice given instead of getting defensive and rude. It's pointless to start fights and ruin a perfectly good forum.
In many cases though, the good advice gets lost because it's presented in quite a hostile manner-whatever the intention of the poster, sometimes they can come across as being quite scolding and indeed condescending, which isn't the way to go if you want to get someone to listen to you.

It can be equally frustrating when you are told you're doing something wrong and you ask for constructive advice to remedy the problem, only to have poster after poster come along and basically repeat what the first person said without offering any practical or friendly help.
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