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I knew he was blind BUT!

Not a problem, Guineagurl.

On the other hand, you have to admit, you have been a little bit combative about this. I'd have just told this bunch to pull their heads in, let you look after your animals your way, and stop posting on this thread. But that's me.
guineagurl said:
Thankyou Krysanthemum.
Have fun with your animals even though I don't agree with their housing arrangements. Some people here are not as smart as they believe.
Yeah i have been and i did say a few things i really shouldnt have but back
me into a corner and i'll allways stand up for myself.
Personally i dont think i use all that much chat talk. (shortened words i mean)
I agree, you don't use that much, but just the occassional thing will get me going. Please don't take me seriously when I go ballistic about grammar, just brush it off and leave the topic alone. I'm always out of my mind when I bring it up.
Whatever Rocinante.
Read the posts before you comment.
Well, can I perhaps suggest that if you're going to make grammatical comments but we are not meant to take them seriously, perhaps preface your comments with "Grammar Nazi Rant" or something like that? Because I took your comments to be serious as well, and if they'd been directed at me, I doubt I'd have reacted politely either. Perhaps just a warning ahead of time would be appreciated, so the readers of your post can understand your intentions.

Perhaps you don't want to use "Nazi" either, that's fine, it's just a term I've heard on other forums. Up to you, just a suggestion.
Nah, I've used Nazi for most thing's I am, Grammar Nazi, Pocket Dictionary Nazi, Llama nazi...alright, last one's a bit odd. And also, when I get into my 'grammatical fits', I do that them seriously, but then I realize how dumb it is and I cool down. I really have no idea when they're coming. I'm a very random person...
Lol, please describe, in detail, the uses and functions of a Llama Nazi.
My friends constantly tease me about my infatuation with llamas( I love, love, love 'em!) and so they went through a stage where they would constantly say random, VERY incorrect facts about llamas. Well, I love my llamas, so I would start lecturing them about their correct species, genus, uses, birth place, etc. Yeah, that was a weird stage in my life...
Im not exactly sure what you mean.
Do you mean as in the "we can give GP's germs too" comment i made?
Cause i wasnt actually sure if we could but i genuinely thought it plausable so
i said it.
I would like to say something. I did not threaten or in any way threaten to ban anyone. I asked that the name-calling stop and that meant from everyone.

Everyone is on this forum because they love their piggies. I don't think anyone would dispute that. And because we all love piggies, we want what is best for them. but I think at times this post has gotten a little out of hand but you all seem like your trying to do a good job from not letting it get too far out of hand.
Ly, agreed. I believe it was Tashagurl who said, quote: If you two arent careful your going to get banned.

I was just making the point that it's a bit rich for a non-moderator to be making threats of that kind.

And if we're going to be pedantic about grammar on this forum, I can also see at least two grammatical errors in that sentence. If you're going to criticise grammer, make it consistent. Criticise everyone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're, not just one person with whose opinion you don't agree.
I agree it's not a good idea to have bunnies and guinea pigs together... heck, my very first guinea pig died 'cause my mom insisted on getting him rabbit food 'cause it was 'cheaper'.

Dwarf bunnies for short periods of time I can understand. Those things are teeeeny-tiny. If one jumps on a guinea pig, it's not going to crush it. It might be able to hurt it by kicking it or something, but then, so could two guinea pigs housed together. I'd be concerned over the sharing of food over anything else. But again, they're apparently not always together, so I can't see it being bad.

I also used to do floor time with my guinea pig and hamster together. My guinea pig would constantly try to mount my hamster. I was like, 10 at the time, and found it freaking HILARIOUS. :D I'm more than twice that age now, and wouldn't do that now... but I'd still snicker if I saw it.
I KNEW when I saw the initial post to this thread it was going to be trouble, and boy I wasn't wrong!
omg same wid my bunny and pigge both boys my friends call them the gay lovers now lol i new he was lonely but not that lonely
Well - I have two boars. One adult and one "blossoming" adolescent. The younger one has been trying to dominate the older one since they met. At first the adult would tolerate it, then he just got fed up with it after a couple of weeks. Now, when the young one tries to bully him, the big one rattles and chases him away.

So the little one runs off and ends up beating up and mounting one of their stuffed toys (specifically a stuffed toy hedgehog that is a little smaller than him). I guess he figures if he can't bully the grownups, he'll bully the poor stuffed hedgehog.

Its really sort of funny and kind of pathetic.

And yes - this board can be pretty hostile. I have only been a member since the end of December (when we got our piggers), and I find myself spending more and more time at another pigger board because it carries much of the same expertise without the rudeness. At least there people are as nice to other people as the are to their guinea pigs.

I understand that the moderators are passionate about the subject, but they aren't really educating anyone by running them off like that.

But that's just my opinion.

Every board you go to is going to be hostile at one time or another. You will find just as much expertise from people here on guineapigcages.com then you will any other board.
Fawnmarie...........what board would that be?
Well this entire thread has been hilarious! I have noticed that on this board people are very XXXXXXX (strikeout) PASSIONATE about their piggies. However, I think that there are better ways to educate someone about possible flaws in their pet care than jumping all over them with outright and hostile attacks (and before you try to deny it, re-read the posts).

I also say "possible" flaws because without knowing the entire situation, how can you make judgements about her care of her animals? Maybe these rabbits are very tiny and the pigs huge. In that case, maybe time together isn't all that risky. As for the poop incompatibility, I'm guessing some animal instinct might get the animals eating the right poops. After all, their are two types of guinea pig poops and they figure out which are the ones to eat and which aren't.

The pellets are an issue but with unlimited hay and fruits and veggies as well as both rabbit and pig pellets available, each animal will probably end up with a healthy diet.

Of course, GuineaGirl, you know you are bound to get some comments when you toss around smartass, etc. (although I thought the Yankee comment was funny - and I am one).

My favorite part though was about the homosexual rabbit lover. I was (in the way of netspeak) roflma!

Hmmmmm.... so what would that be? Homolapisexual? Homorabbisexual?
I think its pretty amazing that this site is still functioning. How much longer it will be of course no one knows. dont get me wrong, I like this site because I do get alot of insight into guinea pigs, but I have to agree that it can get hostile especially to new people asking questions. Maybe hostile is the wrong word. It starts out at being condensending. We all at times come across at being know it alls. It might be true but alot of the time we dont know how to communicate correctly to someone without making them feel defensive. Its only natural for someone to strike back at us if we attack, which we do at times. We have read over and over from people how hostile this site can be. I GUESS IT MUST BE TRUE!.
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