First of all, may I say that the only person that said anything relative to threatening banning was Ly, who is, in fact, a moderator. Also, the name-calling is a double sided story, every one called each other a name somehow. And I agree, that was a bit silly after hearing 'smartass', 'arrogant yankees', and 'lazy' from many people. Names get us no where. Third, she commented on how she had wonderful grammar, and I corrected that. I made no insult to her education, I myself am a freshman in highschool. But, technically, using 'u' and 'ppl' is chat speak, and I hate it when people shorten words like that. It's just a pet peeve of mine, please don't take my grammar nazi persona seriously. And lastly, considering this is a guinea pig forum run by a guinea pig rescue and guinea pig fanciers who only want the best for all guinea pigs(not just ours) alot of people do not think, "They're her pets, she can do what she wants." I know that I do not think like that, and if I see something that I think is wrong, then I will try my best to fight that. I agree, I was a bit harsh in my last posts and I humbly apologize, but I really only have the pig's best interests at heart. But I must also add, guineagurl, you were also very rude when you argued your opinion. This whole post has been rude, but quite frankly, that's the way the cookie crumbles.