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I just saw a piggie in the WORST conditions!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 18, 2004
I just got to vent!
I work with the Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue (www.grcglarescue.org if you want to check it out). I just got back from picking up 2 puppies from a lady's house who did not want them anymore because she had bred her two dogs wiht out thinking about it first. I HATE that! Anyway, we were in her garage getting the puppies when I noticed a VERY small cage in a dark corner of the garage. (the garage door was wide open by the way) I went over to the cage to check it out and I saw a scared dirty piggie in there! The worst part was that it looked as if the cage was NEVER cleaned!!!! On the bottom of the cage was a hardened layer of poop!!!! It was awful! I couldn't believe it! The lady noticed that I was looking at the cage and said in a disguisted voice, "Oh that's just our guinea pig..." I told her how I had five and she said, "How can you handle that many that stupid thing takes WAY too much work!" I was furious I didn't even know what to say! I couldn't believe how much that lady hated that poor piggie!!!
That is horrible. Did you rescue it?
YOu should have asked to take it with you and fostered it. That is terrible!
No, unfortunatly I could not rescue it. We were only there to pick up the puppies. She would have had to sign the piggie over to me, which she was not willing to do.
That stinks, what did the piggie look like?
Please try to get the piggy out of this hell. Maybe if you give her five dollars, she'll be just too happy to get rid of it!
Call the authorities on her. No animal deserves to live that way.
I don't know why people keep animals they don't want. I wonder how she got the pig in the first place. Teria and Ly have good ideas, though.

Our pigs are like our kids to us.
Thats sick. Why wasn't she willing to hand it over? She's the one that said the poor piggy was a handle.
Thanks for all your suggestions! It was a very cute tri-colored piggie. I got the impression that it was her neice's or something.
Awww, poor piggy!! I feel bad for it.
Same here, I hope you can get her out of that horrible ladies house.
Lock her in a cage and if she asks you for water, tell her that its "WAY too much work"

Was her home covered in feces? Mention in a kind way that living in your own feces is a hollistic cure for hypocrisy.
It's even worse if the pig belongs to her niece cause obviously the girl doesn't want the little guy and the parents don't care. So the parents are to blame cause at least they should feel some degree of responsibility even if their daughter doesn't. Maybe the girl's only five years old and has no idea how to care for a guinea pig in the first place.
I didn't get a chance to go in her house. We just got the puppies and left as soon as possible. She also released the male dog that she had bred to us. She had beaten him so now he is afraid of everyone. :(
That is so sad about the dogs and the piggies. Wish you could try and get that cute piggie. I can't imagine leaving and not knowing whats gonna happen the that piggie. Good luck and maybe you can figure something out.
She had beaten him so now he is afraid of everyone
Are you at least brining this to court. I would suspect if you got enough photgraphic evidence, etc., you could probably bar this horrible woman from owning any more animals for quite some time. I've watched enough episodes of animal precinct to know this. Are you guys doing anything else about it?
She had turned him into us because she didn't like him so we have no concrete evidence that he was beaten. We know he was beaten though because how scared he is and how he cowered whenever the lady was near him.

DocDolittle said:
Are you at least brining this to court. I would suspect if you got enough photgraphic evidence, etc., you could probably bar this horrible woman from owning any more animals for quite some time. I've watched enough episodes of animal precinct to know this. Are you guys doing anything else about it?
aww that poor doggie. I feel bad for him and that is so rude for them to do that to any animals. I hate animal abusers and I have had enough of animals getting hurt. I just don't understand people when they do that. They need to be abused just like the way the animal was. I can't imagine being beat like that day in and day out.
I would hate to come across that situation because I know I'd probally take the animal whether they wanted me to or not, then I'd be locked up hehe (But I'd still do it)
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