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i have a new dog


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 13, 2004
its a black schipperke puppy but i dont know whatr to call her any ideas?
umm...how about Bella? I always liked that name.
well heres a picture of her (broken link removed)
Oh my goodness! She's the cutest! What about Lola?

Or Layla, which means Dark Beauty! =)
How sweet! My neighbors had one. With my help they named her Brigitte (bridge-eat), but ended up nicknaming her Missy. Where did you get her?

erm my mother-in-law has alot of them and shelties too so she gave me one schipperke and one sheltie
sophie - i have always like that name for black female dogs

Ace, Magwitch (maggie for nickname), jazz


i am braindead right now. i will think of more later.
I love Layla, it fits perfectly!
I like Layla too, it does fit perfectly. Or Diamond which could be short for Diamond in the Rough. I knew a black dog that was named Chachalacacatadora (Cha-cha-lock-a-cat-a-dora) and was nicknamed ChaCha.
i could never say chachalalcacatadora when i do agility training with her hahaa i have chosen layla thanks everyone
yay! Layla is so cute!
Wow, that's a long name! I still absolutely *adore* Layla!!!
shes still getting used to me calling her layla instead of Puppy!!, sometimes i call her puppy by mistake too
lol, I think it's the best name EVER! And it fits so well...
i was thinking about introducing my GP to my puppy but i dunno if thats a good idea schipperkes are bred to hunt i think my other dog sleeps on my bed sometimes sniffs outside cage but doesnt really bother the gp
Actually, I've seen my dog say hello to them, and it's just not a great idea. He's the sweetest thing, but once he was in their area outside, and he started rolling. Luckily, I was there, because he almost flung himself down right on top of Pig! (he's a medium-sized lab)
My dog is a schnauzer which were bred to hunt small animals. She (dog) is about 16.5 inches and you all know how tall piggers are and Mu nipped at my dogs nose and tried to barber her foot (this shows dominace) but I always watch my dog aroung Mu and hold her caller but my dog gets to sniff Mu.
Mu my parents wants a mini schauzers. They are hard to find around here in pgh. They are gonna wait till spring to get one.
My dog Nia just seems to groom one of my guinea pigs shes pregnant so i bet she thinks that the pig is her puppy but she doesnt take interest in the other pig which is weird, My puppy Layla just sniffed them and seemed more interested in playing with me so yeah everything is fine
I hold my pigs while letting my lab sniff them and groom them. I trust her completely, and she would never hurt them purposefully, but she's about 75 pounds(mostly muscle, she's worked off almost all of her fat over the summer when I took her on three walks a day) and if she were to try and play with them, she could easily kill them.
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