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I have a million questions...


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 23, 2004
I've done what I thought was a lot of research about pigs, and have bought food and made a cage according to what I've learned, but I'm just wondering where I might be giong wrong. First, I was reading that GP's should be in a busy room where you are frequently. So I decided to make a 2X4 cage for them and put it on a big table in the kitchen off to the side.. Then I read that they are sensitive to sound, and that they should be in a quieter room. which is it? because I have 2 small children, and my kitchen is known to echo.

also, I was reading to buy pellet food with vitamin C added.. So I just went to Wal-Mart and bought Premium brand Guinea pig food Field fresh blend, made out of pellets, timothy hay, and grains.. is that bad? I read in a post somewhere here that some food that one bought was bad for the piggies.. (there is so much to learn)

also, I didn't buy CARE FRESH, but I bought something that looked just like it, made out of reclaimed cellulose fiber. (not sure what carefresh is made out of)

gosh, I know I have more questions.. :( I can't think of them right at the moment. I know, I have a lot of silly questions, but I want the best for my piggers. (that we dont have yet, getting them Friday)

OH, too. I really want 2 males, mostly because they get bigger, and are cuter in my opinion, but I have been told and read that they will fight.. is this true even if they are out of the same litter? And I was also told by our local petCo that even girls will fight, just depending on the pig.

I have looked at so many sites, and it just seems like I cannot get all the 411 I need.
I think the pigs would rather have a noisier room with a lot of attention than be isolated somewhere quieter.

If you can post the ingredients (you can also do that on the food thread, called "What IS the best food?" I can help you with the food.

What was the bedding called?

It is a total myth that two males will fight, though it is extremely widespread. Mine get along just fine, as do many other peoples' boar pairs.

Look at www.guinealynx.info for more info. =)
Where are you located? Please stay away from petco. See www.petcocruelty.com and adopt from a shelter or rescue. If given enough space, two will get along and they prefer a friend. A rescue will know their guinea pigs temperaments and usually already have bonded pairs.

A C&C cage is best. I think the kitchen sounds fine. They should be around you and your family in like a den or living room or similar. Not a basement or laundry room. They generally like the sound of your voices and will respond by singing to you.

Guinealynx.com has lots of good care info including nutrition. Hay is very important. As are fresh greens. Wal Mart doesn't sell the best pellets. You need a plain green pellet such as Oxbow (see oxbowhay.com). There is a pellet thread here and at gl. You can compare there.

Is the bedding you have called Critter care? It's made by the same company as Carefresh, just cheaper and uses recycled material.
P.S Have you looked at www.petfinder.com? (broken link removed)? You can find adoptable guinea pigs there.
where is the food thread? I'm new here.
My link I posted is the same as the first link you posted rabbitsncavyluv, except I had to search through my subscribed threads to find it, thats why the URL is different. And the thread is called "So What is the Best food"

I had a hard time finding good pellets at Walmart. Piggies can choke on nuts and seeds so don't buy any pellets with these in them. Also, the pellets should be timothy-based if your pigs are over 1 year, not alfalfa-based like so many of the pellets out there.

They need to be fed hay, leafy green vegetables, and other fruit and vegetables as well as the pellets. There is so many conflicting information on the internet. A very reliable page on nutrition is here:

Also, do adopt instead of going to a petstore. There are so many homeless guinea pigs just waiting for someone to love them and going to a pet store doesn't mean they'll be healthy.

Do put at least 2 hidey houses in their cage and cozies etc. so they have somewhere to feel safe.

Good luck!
Okay. Sorry. When I clicked on it, it came up as veggies instead of pellets, but it was on page 17. Mine started on page 1.
Yep, just post on there and I can help you with pellet analysis, or anyone else can. It's long though, so beware reading it! =)
i have a young piggie and an old and i feed them alfalfa based pellets, i dont think my older one actually eats them as i have only seen the little one eating them but if he does eat them ocasionly will it cause any harm to him?
If you're feeding alfalfa pellets and timmy hay it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Just make sure that you switch once the younger piggy gets to be a year old, that's all. You can also do a mix of timmy and alfalfa pellets if you'd like to.
oh ok thanks for your help
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