I am not a breed expert nor do I claim to be one but everything I have read about peruvians, if they are a true peruvian they do not have rosettes on their bodies. The rosettes would come from cross breeding with an Abyssinian. The difference in a peruvian and a silkie doesn't have anything to do with rosettes, it has to do with two factors, 1) the hair on a peruvian falls towards the face while the silkie's falls back away from the face and 2) the hair on a peruvian has a part in the center.
English crested and american crested pigs have one rosette on the top of their head as does a coronet. A coronet is a silkie with a rosette on it's head. The only purebred pigs that have rosettes are the english and american cresteds, the coronets and the abyssinians. Any other pig with rosettes are cross breeds.
Here is a list of breeds that came from
American - short, smooth hair.
White Crested - short, smooth hair with a white rosette on top of the head.
Self Crested - same as White Crested, but all one color.
Abyssinian - Short, cow-licked hair (body covered with rosettes).
Peruvian - Long hair (floor length) that covers the face, making the piggie look like a mop.
Silkie (Sheltie) - Long hair (floor length) that goes back towards the body rather than falling in the piggie's face (also known as a Sheltie in the UK).
Teddy - Short, kinky hair with a course texture.
Texel - A Silkie with a curly coat that falls in ringlets.
Coronet - A Silkie with a rosette on its head.
Merino - A curly-coated Coronet.
Alpaca - A curly-coated Peruvian.
Skinny Pig - A piggie with no hair anywhere on its body (rather rat-like).