There are ways to make a C&C cage work in a small room!
my bedroom is a little more than 9 feet by a litle more than 10 feet.. SMALL, a closet pretty much.. in it I have my twin sized bed, a bedside table, a wide beuro with a large mirror, another beuro, roll top desk and chair, small foot wide bookshelf AND I have a C&C cage thats 2x3, a large store bought cage (a piggy my other two dont like :sad
and two small fish tanks with two hamsters. my room is a zoo! lol With it all, it doesnt necessarily look pretty but I've given them adequate space to live in. I dont even have shelves in my room!
but what I did with my C&C cage, is I built it, and with the left over grids, I attached them to lift my cage off the ground so the pigs are at a good level for me to reach them, nd there's shelves underneath to store other items I had around my room that took up space.
And maybe go through and look at what you really need and don't need to have in your room. You might be able to remove many items you don't have use for and create some more space!
OR if youre feeling up for the challenge, try building a 'bookshelf" type of cage that I have seen in the photo albums on this site. Its much more visually pleasing to the eyes, and as long as it's a bit longer and deeper than your average bookshelf, you can make up for lack of space by using ramps to connect each shelf so the pigs have many different levels! Just be sure to do the research and find guinea pig friendly woods to use and glues and such, don't want to go through all that then end up hurting your little guy