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Hullo thar fellow cavy lovers!


Cavy Quiet
Cavy Gazer
May 23, 2012
My name's Patmai!

I'm a senior multimedia arts student in college and "mother" of two cavies. I've actually been a lurker of this forum for quite some time and I'm in need of some advice of taking care of my little darlings, but it seems rude not to introduce myself first.

My GP's names are Username and Password -- yes, those are their real names, we're a geeky sort of family. Username's the girl and Password's the boy -- I just confirmed their genders now 'cause I saw Password rumbling and trying to hump Username. XD HAHA! Of all the ways for me to find out...

I kind of got them for my birthday last March -- they were supposed to be my brother's for a school project, but as soon as I saw them, I just had to take care of them. My siblings tease me that it brought out the inner mother in me. After buying them, I researched like crazy on Google on taking care of them, even so much as to installing an iPhone app called "Guineapedia". Addict!

The attached picture was taken by me on their first day here at home -- they were so small! They're kind of 6-7 inches big now, not sure if they're gonna get any bigger because they're the smooth-hair kind.

If I should get another GP, I'm thinking of naming it "Login" if it's a boy and "Sign Up" if it's a girl... HAHA! Officially a Guinea Pig lover.

Nice to meet you all! :)


Welcome to the forum! And you've got very cute cavies.

I hate to tell you, but one of them humping the other doesn't confirm their gender at all. Both sexes will do it. You need to read Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig to figure out which is which.

But please do so immediately, and if they're not the same, then separate them. Breeding guinea pigs is a risky business, with a fairly high rate of maternal and pup deaths, and an even higher rate of pups being born with painful diseases and life-threatening deformities.
Thanks for your concern! :D Aw, but the humping kinda looked like he wanted to mate with her (HAHA, awkward. :| )

Anywhoo, I don't think they'll have pups soon because when we bought them at the store, the owner said that the girl GP was nakasarado, meaning her (not sure what to call it) -- thing, it was "closed" and that she won't be able to have pups.

Thanks again :3
Welcome to the forum!
You might want to double check the sexes of your pigs, but rumbling and mounting each other is normal dominance behavior. (When I introduced my females together they did that)
I like the pig's names!
One more thing, though, the guinea pigs might not be living in the blue cage right now, but the picture of Username on the wire bottom floor just looks a bit uncomfortable for him or her.
Yeah! I really hated that cage for them. :/ I made their own C&C cage! Pretty proud of it, too. :) Thanks! Glad to be finally part of a forum for Guinea Pigs <3
My females mount eachother all the time it looks pretty saucy but its just dominance, its best to get it checked out aswell just incase! welcome to the forum aswell, love their names.
Welcome to the forum! n.n I LOVE the names for your piggies, it is geeky, but I also come from a geeky family. (I was going to name my two new piggies Ezri and Dax(From Star Trek: DS9), but they turned out to be boys xD) Anyway, if you ever need advice or help, don't be afraid to post. Every one here is REALLY nice! n.n

And my two boys mount, well, only one, but it did look a little....passionate xD Thats how I found out they were BOTH boys, LOL. But have fun with your piggies! And you should try to sex them and make sure they are female/male.
@Patmai, I wouldn't bet the farm on anything a pet store employee told me. Females normally have mucus plugs that prevent copulation except when they're in heat. Those plugs either dissolve or fall out at that time, and the guinea pig is perfectly capable of getting pregnant.

Do yourself and your sow a favor and look at that Cavyspirit link I gave you. Your guinea pigs have white hair on them, which means they can be carriers of the roan gene. If you wind up with lethal white pups, you'll be in for a lot of work and expensive care for as long as they live.
Welcome! Your pigs are adorable:) Just a little advice, listen to the Moderators, they know what they are talking about and in my opinion are smarter then most vets when it comes to guinea pigs.
Thanks! :D Glad that most people here are friendly. :3 Feelin' welcome already!
All right, will get to that right away! Thank you for your concern. <:'3
Ooh~ I'll take your word for it, then. :D Thank you!
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