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Hubby just gave the ok!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 16, 2005
Well my hubby just gave me the ok to keep all the babies!! He thinks that no one here would be truely qualified (in his opionin) to take care of them. So with $170 I have to go buy the New C&C cage, fleece, and another table to put them on. I can't believe he let me keep them all. He threw a huge fit when I brought the dogs home. And the piggie at first. But he has fell totaly in love with the piggies . He has even named all 3 of them.
Jumbo Patches(big black and white patches), 50 cent(because he/she is half white on one side and brown on the other with a straight line down the back to seperate), and Scruffy (has rosettes everywhere)
I haven't been able to sex them yet. To me they all look like girls. So I am going to wait till around the 3 week mark before I truely check on it. I have read and reread the site and all 3 have a little dot at the top of the Y but so does princess. So I am lost. So I am hopeing that at 3 weeks I can truely tell.

I will post a picture of all 3 together when I get back from shopping!
YAY glad you can keep them all!
Thats great news!
Yah, glad you can keep all of them. hopfully they are all one gender so you do not have to get any neutered/sprayed or build another c & c cage.
Well finished the cage finally they are in a 2x6 with a second floor that is only lacking a 2 grid space for there play room. They seem to love it. We just put them in there and they are playing flow the leader around the cage. I seen Twinkle popcorn for the first time and the babies are trying to do it also. They just don't get very far off the ground.

I am also hoping they are all girls. Now that I have this cage I have no room to build another. But if we have to we will. My hubby will find room. :) Either that or I will just lose my quilting/craft area. No biggie.
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