Sparky, a note -
The thing about websites like this is that they show a depraved indifference to non-human animals. Can you imagine the uproar it would cause if someone posted a similar "joke" about their adopted child, as opposed to their adopted animal? As long as people tolerate cruelty, even when it's disguised with humor, non-human animals AND humans will continue to suffer the consequences.
Did you realize that most serial killers start out torturing animals?
To me, this website demonstrates the very first step in the long and dangerous path of animal cruelty. If people get desensitized to mild forms of cruelty, like this joke, then next time it will take a larger, more radical act to attract attention. For now, this person simply has a website that's a joke. When the fun/attention of that wears off, if he suffers no consequences, he could start holding live demonstrations ... start walking around with a knife and a recipe book, telling people that he'll slit the animal's throat and cook it up, if he can't raise the money to care for it.
It's extortion, and this person is *profiting* from it. Perhaps the people that have given this fellow money are naive/stupid/what have you, but this individual came up with a ploy to tug on people's emotions and guilt strings. That's extortion, and it's wrong on so many levels. I can't even begin to fathom how you could find it "kind of funny."
Would you ever be able to even joke about something like that, concerning one of *your* pets?
This time it's a hoax ... what if next time it isn't? What if the next person takes it one step further and really ends up hurting an animal? Will it be "kind of funny" then?