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Weight how to make my pig put on weight?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 14, 2011
yea i think my pig is way too skinny:eek:hmy:
after his dental surgery he was back to 620g (from 550g)
but now it is always 620 and did not rise anymore :(
he is an neutered adult boar, and i think 620g is not at a good weight.
he's wife chilli was like 720g! 100g heavier!
what can do ? i gave them 3 times of veggies a day, red capsicum, carrots, pak choi, cucumber whatever i got. i gave them timothy hay and there are always plain pellets in the cage.
any advise appreciated. thanks!
I know you said he's an adult, but how old is he?
They need hay all the time, 24 hours a day. They need no more than one cup of vegetables a day, and they need 1/4-1/8 cup of plain pellets a day. Go easy on the cucumbers -- it can give them gas, and the pain will cause them not to eat.

It sounds like you're not feeding them hay all the time, if they're not gaining weight and if one has had to have dental surgery. It's the hay that grinds their teeth down and keeps their gut moving along. It also provides them with the protein they need to grow.
They need hay all the time, 24 hours a day. They need no more than one cup of vegetables a day, and they need 1/4-1/8 cup of plain pellets a day. Go easy on the cucumbers -- it can give them gas, and the pain will cause them not to eat.

It sounds like you're not feeding them hay all the time, if they're not gaining weight and if one has had to have dental surgery. It's the hay that grinds their teeth down and keeps their gut moving along. It also provides them with the protein they need to grow.
i gave all my pigs hay all the time. there are always hay in the cage. i noticed that piggy is not that out going (he's shy). he is about 1yr9months and it seems like that he is going to stay at 620g. is that a good weight? i think that 750+would be better. should i give him fruits so that he can gain more weight?
If he's healthy, eating, active and not losing anymore weight, I don't see why you would need him to gain weight. Some pigs are just smaller than others.

Edit to add: If you really want him to gain some weight, feed him Oxbow Critical Care. It would be better than feeding fruit.
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