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General How to hold a guinea pig


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 26, 2012
Is it ok to hold a guinea pig like this? I was just wondering because I sometimes hold mine like that.I just don't want to hurt there backs either. [GuineaPigCages.com] How to hold a guinea pig
[GuineaPigCages.com] How to hold a guinea pigI forgot the picture ,I can be dumb sometimes:D
As long as you're supporting his butt with one hand and his chest with the other, it should be ok. What you don't want to do is pick him up just by his middle, or just under his arms with nothing under his butt.

Cute pig! That's what you call a "stink eye." Like, "Put me down this minute, woman!"
As long as you're supporting his butt with one hand and his chest with the other, it should be ok. What you don't want to do is pick him up just by his middle, or just under his arms with nothing under his butt.

Cute pig! That's what you call a "stink eye." Like, "Put me down this minute, woman!"

Bpatters, I find it somewhat hard to get a hand under their butt like RIGHT when I am taking them off the ground. Once they are in my 1 hand I slide my other hand under their little bums and then carry them to my lap (well, not carry, more like put them on) Is that OK?
One of my guinea pigs never use to let me get a hand under there, he was really scared if I did so.
I had to slowly get him use to it, I would put my hand under his front legs and he would hop on it, then scoop up his bottom, and slowly I just kept bringing my hand closer down to the mid section.
Finally, 7 times out of 10 he will let me put my hand underneath his mid section and let me pick him up properly.
Only lets me pick him up when he runs into a hidey though and he's cornered lol.
Got him from a petshop though, before I knew you should rescue pigs :(
He was probably handled bad as a pup.
Hershey (the pig in the picture) freaks out when I pick her up and I have had her her whole life.
When I pick up my pigs, I tend to use one hand to support both their butt and their front, and have another hand to block them from trying to jump out of my arms. It's hard to describe, but I find it's much safer for my pigs that way, especially I've noticed when I had Phoenix, she would attempt to suddenly try leaping out of my arms, so If I had one hand under he butt, and one hand under her front, she was able to wiggle out, however if I just used one hand for everything, I have another hand free to keep them safe.

It's hard to describe. xD
Thanks for the help.:)
Hershey (the pig in the picture) freaks out when I pick her up and I have had her her whole life.

O cool, I thought my pig was just handled bad and scared to death of people picking him up.
Makes me feel a lot better.
With my 'big boys' I pick them up and put them on my wrist with my hand supporting their upper body and my wrist supporting the lower. I do this because, like somebody said earlier, I have jumpers. And they are really safer if I have a hand on their back. But with the 'lil boys' (about twelve weeks) I pick up the midsection and put them on my chest where I have a hand under their rear and a hand on their back... I get better control, and believe me those little thinks love to wiggle and skitter up my neck lol they aren't so good with the 'being held and having laptime' thing yet lol
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