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How to get my piggy to enjoy floor time??


Cavy Gazer
Nov 2, 2011
One of my piggies will run for hours!! Floor time is the high light of the day... 4 hours of free tim!! My other pig.. will just sit. I've tryed putting my other pig in with him, that didn't help. More veggies and hay... nothing. All he does is sit and poop.

How can I get him to enjoy floor time more?

Also, my piggy that loves to run hates lap time, the one that hates to run, loves lap time, go figure!:crazy:
And I understand, all piggies are different, some will like it some wont. I'm just worried he's not getting enough exersice
I've always sprinkled around various foods they like but don't get enough of (wheat grass) to encourage my pigs to explore. That, and new tunnels and such get mine going, but I'm realizing more and more that mine are probably the exception to the rule and just like to explore.

...sometimes I wonder if sitting around being goofy and pooping aren't the highlights of a pig day lol

ETA: Another toy that gets my pigs moving is a plastic cat ball with holes in it, filled up with pellets. My pigs nose those around the floor and snack on the pellets that fall out forever.
I've always sprinkled around various foods they like but don't get enough of (wheat grass) to encourage my pigs to explore. That, and new tunnels and such get mine going, but I'm realizing more and more that mine are probably the exception to the rule and just like to explore.

...sometimes I wonder if sitting around being goofy and pooping aren't the highlights of a pig day lol

ETA: Another toy that gets my pigs moving is a plastic cat ball with holes in it, filled up with pellets. My pigs nose those around the floor and snack on the pellets that fall out forever.

The cat ball thing is brilliant! My pigs have cat balls they like to nose around. I bet they'd love it even more with pellets. I ordered some (broken link removed) the other day to build them a maze for floor time.
my pigs like to do this thing where they relax while out on floor time, occasionally running and roaming, but as soon as i stick them back in their cage they suddenly have a burst energy. this is unless i find ways to stimulate them.

provide your pigs with random objects they can explore. i keep my pigs' travel kennel out in my living room, moving it around every so often so they feel the need to find it and climb in and out of it.

my pigs love to get into things they aren't allowed to be in, such as school bags or laundry. i make a game out of it. when they jump into a bag or bundles of clothing, i pull em out and place them across the room. they'll do anything to get back into the clothing or bag, such as sneaking around the living room then charging towards the bag/clothing.

i've heard guinea pigs love to run through tunnels, but i haven't purchased any so i'm not sure.
i've heard guinea pigs love to run through tunnels, but i haven't purchased any so i'm not sure.

My pigs have 4-5 different tunnels in their cage and every morning I rearrange them all and they dart around chubbling and running through them.
A quick, easy tunnel: bend a grid to a 90 degree angle, and drape with fleece. Viola! :)
ahh great! i'll have to invest in some. what are some stores i can buy inexpensive but safe tunnels? what materials should i avoid? i know petsmart has some, but they are ~$16 or so, which seems ridiculous to me.
I have 2 tunnels made of fleece I got on etsy. My other 2 tunnels are fiddle sticks (well, one is the colored superpets kind, and another is a natural wood version from Petco.)

Edit: I wanted to add that it's super easy to make a tunnel out of fleece. Even if you don't do a very good job on the cuff in terms of making it stay open, the pig won't care. She'll dig her way into it anyway.
Oh wow, those are cool fleece tunnels, especially for only $10.

And I'm stealing that corner fleece forest idea and making one for my pigs, tonight!
wonderful! i made little cozies for my pigs and they loved bundling up into them, except i didn't use a sewing machine so they fell apart after a few washes. i'll have to remake them and try to make some tunnels.
Oh wow, those are cool fleece tunnels, especially for only $10.

And I'm stealing that corner fleece forest idea and making one for my pigs, tonight!

Yeah, her fleece forests are pretty awesome. I have the cow patch one and matching tunnel because I liked it so much and I couldn't find cow patch fleece at Joann's.
Mine hate it too they just sit there and pee and poop and then lay in it!! Gross
Ok, tryed all of your sugjestions today. Nothing worked, hay, grass, veggies, tunnels, food, towels, even my other pig (that loves free range), can't get him to move at all!!

So, I am planing on still giving him the option of free range with my other pig, but I don't think he is going to move. Even in his cage, he runs to the corner and lays down.

go figure... any other tips are greatly appreshiated!!

Sorry for Spelling, it's my worst subject:eek:
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