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How to clip piggie nails?

  • Thread starter *Piglets-Angel*
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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 20, 2005
How do I clip my pigs' nails? Can I just use regular nail clippers? How much would it cost to get 4 pigs' nails trimmed at the vet?
You can use the cat clippers, but I use human nail trimmers. Are they light or dark nails? If you can see the quick, just trim the edges. My vet charges 10 dollars. I just do it myself.

They actually sell small animal nail clippers, but my cousin broke mine. -glare- I just use human ones, they work fine. To actually clip them, hold your pig firmly, but not restrainingly, and just clip a little bit. There's a bit of white at the base of the nail called the quick. If you clip that, it will bleed and hurt the pig. So be careful. It's harder to tell with black nails, so be extra careful on those ones! If you can't get your pig to hold still, wrap him/her up in a piggie burrito (towel) and try. Good luck!
Isn't the quik the red line that runs through the pigs nail? You're not supposed to clip that as there will be bleeding. To stop the bleeding, use cornstarch or flour.
I put mine sideways on a table and sort of put their heads in my elbow. Or, you can put them on a tennis racket and clip from underneath.
I clipped my piggies nails yesterday! What I did was hold them up against my body kinda like the way you hold a baby with their back against your chest. Clipped away without a problem. For the 2 that didn't like to be held that way I set them on the couch with a towel for them to hide under, grabbed a foot and clipped. No problems. I did notice that I had no problems if I clipped there nail sidways instead of facing the clippers to there foot. The nail seems to flatten out and they didn't like that. So if I clipped them sideways (I guess is how to explain it) they didn't fight or really even notice what I was doing.
The only ones I didn't do was Twinkle's. They bother me cause they are black and she is a very very shy piggie. So that just might be a trip to the vet for her.
Maybe Piglet, in my pigs it's like a white-ish...thing. It may look different for every pig. All I know is that it's near the base of the nail and you're not supposed to clip it!
I use a small animal clipper that looks like a very small scissors. (It works for ferrets too.)
My daugher hold the back of the piggie close to her chest. I clip at an angle and only take off the very tip. We do this every 2 weeks.
My older pig, Legelas doesn't mind. He's used to it. The 2 younger boys. Peppi, 3 months and Poncho, 2 months squirm abit, but they are getting better.
All boys had their sacks cleaned out today. I do it once a month. (Should it be done more often?) The younger guys weren't to fond of that.
I use a small nail trimmer, the same kind I use to trim my cat's nails. They look like tiny scissors and clip the nail well. But if you ask the cat, he'll tell you its a horrible device. *grin*
A while ago I was looking up nail trimming but I didn't have any fancy clippers or anything. We just have a nail fial (or Phial?). Can we use that?
I have the same clippers Marlania has. I've had my father hold Percy across the chest and under his bum or lean him against his own body when we've clipped. OK, so it's not the best picture, but you get the basic idea.

[GuineaPigCages.com] How to clip piggie nails?
A nail file is only going to file down the nails not cut them. You can use human clippers if you know what you're doing.
I have had Peanut for about 3 months (she was born in November). I have not yet clipped her nails. They don't look overly long. Can anyone share a photo or explain how long is "too long"? I actually tried cutting her nails last week and she flinched so I chickened out. I have another pig (Fudge) who is about 7-8 months old and I just adopted her 2 weeks ago. Her nails do look a bit long but she also wasn't happy when I tried to cut her nails. I read all about the process but wonder how often this is really necessary?
If you have an old play pen, take it apart and make a small cage with it. (You can use zip ties). Then put the guinea pig in it and have someone hold it up for you. Their nails hang down, so it is really easy too clip them. (That way they can't see the clippers. My piggies freak out when they see them). If you put some hay in with them they will stay still.
I might have to try the play pen idea. I have an old Pack'N'Play I don't need anymore. it takes two people to hold Roxie down and clip her nails because she has the amazing ability to get out of any hold I put her in and will bite me while I'm clipping.
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