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How should I clean my cavy?

Percy's Mom

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 10, 2005
I've had Percy for a couple of months now, and he has always been clean. Today, after some lap and floor time, I was cleaning his cage and set him in a bin. He pooped and urinated a bit and got some on his fur. I wiped his tummy with a warm damp washcloth and held him in a towel until he felt dry all over before placing him in the newly clean cage. I was shopping for supplies and found 8 in 1 Pet Deodorizing Wipes for Small Animals. Have any of you ever tried these wipes, and if so, what is your opinion? Also, what sort of shampoo or other cleaning supplies do you use for a full bath? Percy seemed pretty calm when I was using the washcloth and towel earlier, and I'd like to get him good and clean sometime. I know I've never bathed him, and I'm pretty sure no one else has.
You can bathe a short haired cavy around three times a year. Personally, I think the wipes are fine, and so is an occasional bath and weekly brushing for a short to medium hair cavy. I use a ferret shampoo made with aloe vera. The best is called Bunny Bath, in the pink bottle. You can also use a kitten shampoo with no medication (ie for relieving scratching and ticks/fleas).

When you bathe them do it in about an inch and a half of water (less if he is young). Get them wet everywhere except the face (avoid getting any water in eyes, ears, or mouth) lather them up, and rince very thoroughly. Towel dry them and then use a hair dryer on the lowest setting about 10 inches away from them and keep your hand on them to feel how hot they get. Don't put them back in their cage until they are 98% dry.
Thanks so much! As a relatively new piggy owner, this has been a great resource for me with very friendly suggestions.
Love your avatar, Percy! It looks like my girl Pumpkin!
I use the pink Bunny Bath, it is very inexpensive and you can order from a lot of places online like thatpetplace.com It's also at pet stores. It smells really nice. I have four pigs and each one reacts differently to bathing so you might be lucky and have a good once. I have one that likes it and dunks her head. One that tries to escape, one that squeals a lot, and another that is a shiverer.
I have put teebo in the sink with a towel and just used the spreayer from the sink. He gets a bit nervious at first then calms down and purs. He likes to grab the sprayer and get a drink :)
Dinochick said:
I have put teebo in the sink with a towel and just used the spreayer from the sink. He gets a bit nervious at first then calms down and purs. He likes to grab the sprayer and get a drink :)

That sounds like something Percy would do! He's kinda silly like that.
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