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How Old Until No Baby Proof?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 28, 2012
I just got a 3 month old guinea pig and i was wondering how old they have to be to go into a normal C&C cage without baby proofing it. Thanks! :)
I'm not to sure as I think it depends on how fast your new guinea pig grows, someone else with more experience on baby proofing might be able to give you more information. Good luck with your new guinea pig.:)
I just asked this as I just got a 4 week old female. I the answer I found was 6 months but I am assuming that it depends on the size of the pig also. My male was 3 months and was HUGE but my female is tiny. I think there is some common sense that comes into play with the timing.
Okay, I think I will overlap the grids with cable ties and undo it when she is 6 months old, just to be safe. Thanks for the help :)
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