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Coroplast How much should I ask for?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 6, 2011
I'm getting coroplast from a sign store near me.
The cage I have, is 2x3.
how much coroplast should I get?
for I can bend the corners and have enough room.
One 4'x8' sheet is plenty.
Agreed with bpatters, just one sheet.

If you want them to precut it for you I suggest you go buy your grids, put the grids together like you would for your cage, and then measure 3 times. I say measure three times because you want to make sure you're correct. You can only cut once... but remember to add 6-8 inches or however many you want for the sides.

You will have to do the scoring and cutting yourself though, the bigger cuts they normally can make for you if you ask.
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