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Fleece How much fleece do you need for a 2 by 4 C&C cage


Cavy Gazer
Nov 2, 2011
How much fleece do you need for a 2 by 4 C&C cage

and how do you clean a C&C cage
For a 2x4 fleece liner you would need 68” of fabric, which is 4” shy of 2 full yards. If I were you I’d get the 2 full yards just to allow for shrinkage when you do your pre-washing.

If you want to make a fleece pad for the whole cage you probably would want 4 yards, 2 for the top of the pad and 2 for the bottom.

You asked how to clean a C&C cage…does this mean if you’re using fleece? If so, then you just sweep or vacuum up the pops once or twice a day and change out the fleece once a week.

If you have at least 2 sets you can put a new one in as soon as you take the old one out. If you only have 1 set of fleece then you can take your pig(s) out for floor time while the fleece is being washed and dried.

Additional – When you take your fleece out to wash you want to sanitize your coroplast base. Use a 50/50 water and white vinegar solution and scrub the inside.
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ok, we tryed fleece. When we had to clean it, my mom was nota fan of shaking out the bedding out side. We did end up shaking it out side. My mom also did not want to do a load of laundery once a week. so, we are back to aspen:(

THanks fofr all your help, Catahoula!!
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