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How much does a pig cost?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 19, 2004
I heard my friends said that the pet shop's selling RM200 per guinea pig, that is around 53USD. Is it that expensive?
53 dollars for a guinea pig? yes thats expensive for a pet shop.
Yes its rather expensive. Adopt, don't support a pet store. If you adopt, rescues often ask for a donation that can range from $10 - $30
holy crap. no way I only paid 20 for 2 and and 25 for the other 2 and the rest were free. wow. my rescues that are near me are around 10 to 30 bucks. Thats out rages. I can understand if the piggies were going excint but they are not.
I contributed 30 pounds for my two, which is about $40/45? I don't know, I may be making that up...
Mine cost about $6. I think it depends on where you are. Miccee, you said guinea pigs weren't that common in the country you live, so that may explain the price.
Thats a fair point
well, the petco in my city sells their pigs for 35$, but they did sell it for 25$, before they moved to the new building. but another petco, i heard it was only 20, so have to look at shelters etc.
When we were looking to adopt it was REALLY expensive! It was $50 for just one pig. But most places are not that expensive, so ADOPT!
My beautiful adopted girl was $25. My store-bought beauties were $27.99 each.
I'd really wish to adopt but there isn't any places in Malaysia that does such things for guinea pigs. SPCA only keeps mostly dogs, cats and just like a few rabbits. Well, that's what I found in the website. Well, could it be that the cavy is imported from some country or something? Because that petshop is actually situated at the mall which is quite famous due to its size ( the biggest mall in South-East Asia ), Midvalley Mall. I'll go find some other pet stores and see if they have cheaper cavies. Anybody here from Malaysia? heh...
I'd look around a bit. If petshops are your only option, then I would compare them. Check to see if they meet optimal care standards.

But, what I can also suggest is to have a look on the internet. Up till about a few weeks ago there were no rescues here in Belgium that took in guinea pigs. But I was able to find websites similar to ebay where people post if they've got guinea pigs. I don't know if there's something similar in Malaysia? (Or something similar to www.petfinder.com in the States?)

And you can also try giving a call to the SPCA. They may not take in guinea pigs, but they may know someone who does.
Well, if adoption isn't an option, then do go to the best pet store. Its easy for us to say adopt because there are tons of guinea pig shelters in America and England, but maybe not in Malaysia. Kennethlhm may be able to help you. Have you checked out the Asia message board?
This is off subject...but Piglet you're aviator is so cute!
where's the asia message board? I tried the gnet.com... there isn't any from Malaysia only from Philipines and Taiwan... I'm going to search more petshops here and hope I'll get cheaper ones with good caring facilities...
She means on this forum:

(broken link removed)
Thanks citron, yes thats what I meant. Thanks sofie! I just copied and pasted a hat from the internet
My boy cost $20.00 USD. Around me they are usually $25-$26 USD if you buy at a pet shop. Some that owners are giving up a $5, $12, 2 for $20, and free. (all of the money I said is USD)
I've been looking for 2 weeks now and can't find one to adopt. The ONLY place in my area I have seen them at is Petsmart and they are $27.99 each.

I'm trying to hold out and hoping I'll find one or two to adopt but I'm running out of patience :D
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