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Fleece How many yards?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 20, 2012
I will be building my piggies a 2x5 cage. How many yards of fleece will I need? as I want it to go up and over the sides. The sides will be 6 in in height all around. It has to go up and over because my girls like to burrow
I used two yards of fleece for my 2x4. I had a tonof extra. I would get 2.5 yards.
Alright. Were you able to make it go up and over the sides with that much?
By my calculations you will need 2-2/3 yards but you won't have any significant amount left. Get extra if you want to be able to make any matching accessories.
I think ill order 3 yards to be safe. I have plenty of fleece to use for accessories from their old cage that wont cover their new cage. Currently in a super pet while my parents are moving me to my new bedroom. Gosh I hate pet store cages.
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I have a 2x5 cage. I usually get 2.5 yards, and there is plenty extra to fold over and under the cage bottoms. 3 yards would too much extra and you end up having to trim a lot of it off.
Okay thank you. I was planning on ordering from Joann's.com It wont let me put 2.5 in the cart. What do I do?
Perhaps they only sell in full yards online. You may have to get 3.
Alrighty thanks. Ill see if my dad can just drive me so I can order less. No point in paying for more than I need (We spent about $400 in vet bills for the pigs this month). It is only about 15 miles away
Wait I just noticed you said you have 6in walls I only have 3 in walls. So 2.5 yard might a smidgen to short for you I'd up to 3 yards to be safe. Sorry for confusing you.
Yea. Go up to 3 yards to be safe. It despends on how you want to do it. Do you want it to go over the walls or just down next to the walls??
In this case, would 3.5 or 4 yards be appropriate for a 2 x 6 cage? I am also building a C&C and was just wondering. :)
I want it to go up the walls and then hang over. As my girls are very bad fleece diggers. Ill order 3 yards thanks.
In this case, would 3.5 or 4 yards be appropriate for a 2 x 6 cage? I am also building a C&C and was just wondering. :)

3.5 should give you enough for you to make 1-2 liners (depending on how it's cut, sides vs. no sides) and some extra for accessories.
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