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how many hours/long does a gp sleeps?


Cavy Gazer
Jul 16, 2004
i have only seen Pig sleeps, and i mean actually closed his entired eyes for 3 minutes. thats it, 3 minutes. i mean at night, i dont know about that, but usually i hear noises in the cage (his footsteps and such). so im wondering how many hours usually a gp sleeps? he does need a quiet place to sleep, too, right? :)
guinea pigs sleep for a huge chunk of the day, but they tend to sleep with their eyes open. I'm not sure about the exact figure though.
Mine usually will sleep for a large part of the day and at night too. I wish she was more active though.
aaww, how long does she stay awake for?
Well it is hard to say. She has an hour or two in the morning that she eats her pellets and hay then goes to sleep. Then in the afternoon I give her her veggies and she will walk around a little. Then at night I come in and read in that room and she will walk around then too. So she will get some activity. But she should get more I think.
KmKrazy9 said:
Well it is hard to say. She has an hour or two in the morning that she eats her pellets and hay then goes to sleep. Then in the afternoon I give her her veggies and she will walk around a little. Then at night I come in and read in that room and she will walk around then too. So she will get some activity. But she should get more I think.
I am certainly no expert, and my piggies are babies (about 5 weeks old), but I think mine run around more than that. My husband gets up at 5:30 and the GPs get up when he comes downstairs. They walk around for a few minutes then eat. Then they run around like crazy girls. I'm down by 6:30, and they are still running around then. Things slow down between 7-8, but they have another crazy period around lunch and other in the early evening. I'm sure that they sleep sometimes in between, but they don't sleep the whole time! On nights that I have school, they are usually pretty calm by the time I get home around 9PM. If I get Princess out, she will just about fall asleep on my lap at that time.

I noticed yesterday, however, that they seemed to be just waking up when I got home from being gone for the weekend. My husband stayed home, but he works on the weekends, so they had been alone from Sunday morning at 6:30AM when he left until around 3:00PM when I got back. They were doing their stretching out walk they do when they first get up in the morning. He'd left the curtain open so they would have some light, but it was so drearly that the house was probably pretty dark most of the day. Poor piggies girls! Next time I'll tell him to be sure to leave music playing, and I'll also look into a small light for this room so that we can let them have some light without leaving the regular light on all day.

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