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Ramps How long?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 7, 2012
I plan on adding a loft to the cage soon. How long should the ramp be? Should it be made with coroplast? Is coroplast strong enough? How wide? Just trying to plan ahead.
My ramp is 28 inches long. That's 2 grids zip tied together. Grids are 9 squares across, so I bent the grids so there are 5 squares running down the middle and 2 on each side to make a railing. Mines wider then most, but if you want to take up less room you can make it smaller.

I wouldn't trust coroplast to be sturdy enough on it's own, but that's only my opinion. I used a piece of coro to line my grid ramp so piggy feet couldn't fall through the squares.

Check out the photo galleries. There's one specifically for ramp designs and building suggestions,
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